Not the cleanest result but there are plenty of other things to be doing!
Stuff you need:
- High tensile Hex Head bolts:
4x M4x10
2x M4x16
1x M4x20
6x M5x10
8x M5x12
2x M5x16
High tensile hex head cap bolts
2x M6x20
Stainless Steel Countersunk (length includes head)
2x M4x10
Spring lock washers
6x M4
16x M5
2x M6
Flat washers
4x M4
And Thread locker!
- TBI Rebuild kit Purchased from Brian @ Lower shores Performance in USA
came with:
Paper gasket between throttle body and inlet manifold
Lemon Oring between two halves of throttle body
2 small Orings for fuel pressure regulator
2 Orings for injectors
2 seals for injector seats
2 injector caps
1 diaphragm for inside fuel pulsation thing
Ask for oring for fuel inlet pipe and 2x seals for throttle shaft
injector clips with 10cm length cable.
Mark the vacuum hoses with tape as to where they go!
Have car on slope so anything that falls into inlet manifold falls away from the inlet ports of the head
Carb cleaner in all holes, vacuum ports etc clean with toothbrush
Make sure gasket areas are clean and flat
Install new o-rings with light oil
Replace injector clips even if they look OK.
Don't forget teflon washer on TPS side on throttle shaft. goes between circlip and throttle body to stop the circlip digging in.
Take photos of the dissasmbly so you know which way around things go.
Some screws will be very stuck, hack saw so a flat head screw driver fits well.
Do this on a strip of wood to prevent damage to underside of throttle body and so it doesn't rest on the throttle lever or TPS base. The original mounting bolts can be dropped in the holes to prevent the throttle body twisting when undoing tough screws.
When removing butterfly/throttle plate screws they will tough. Make sure the screwdriver tip is in good shape and fits really well. When screws removed de-burr the back side of the throttle shaft to prevent any burrs from scoring the throttle body when the shaft is hammered out.
Replace screws and use plenty of strong oil resistant thread locker. These must never fall out! :)
Injectors 1-3 ohm
TPS 0k-6.8k smooth linear sweep, no jumping on the meter reading
ISC Motor apply 6v to retract and extend the tip. Pull back the rubber boot
and lightly grease shaft. Split boots fix with impact adhesive.
ISC idle switch. Retract motor and press the tip. Click should be felt/heard
and continuity made on switch.
Idle fuel mixture pot, check resistance
Inspect the wires where they enter the sensors. Apply glue to base of wires
where they enter the sensors to work like a cable strain relief.
Make sure sensors connectors are clean inside.
