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Post by scum »

i just dont care about religion much. you are all just part of my world, none of you really exist, even the ppl i meet in real life are only the ppl i make them to be. someone is one person to me, another to another person and yet another person to himself. i own you, all of you :D

I figured out the meaning of life, and since then every day just gets worse.

Warranty void if stupid.
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Post by Jesusdroveawestfield »

I am so offended :x ..........not
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Re: Good Points

Post by Cookiemonster »

Jesusdroveastarion wrote:Good Points Tmz. Hey Cookie, the difference is Mohammed never ever claimed to be God. He simply claimed to have seen the Angel Michael and he was regarded as a prophet. Jesus on the other hand was in fact God in human form. He made this claim often
"I tell you anyone who has seen me has seen the father"
" I am the way, the truth and the life nobody comes through the father except through me"
etc etc
Not to mention of course the thousands of eyewitness accounts of raising people from the dead, feeding several thousand ( 5,000 not including the women and children that were there ) with a few fish. The walking on the water thing, the calming of the storm, speaking to the fig tree and having it wither in front of their very eyes. Healing paralysed people and on it goes. These are only the recorded events that made it into the bible. It says in there that if all the things he did were written down it would be massive.
But back to tmz's point. Yes true man is capable of terrible things but also amazing love and compassion. I am always amazed at how far man has come. Space travel amazes me, cars amaze me, technolgy that we are developing is mindblowing. We are without doubt an amazing wonderful incredible creation, all created in His image. It is important to remember that man is no more intelligent now than when he was first created. It simply our knowledge that has grown. You only have to look at some of the things the egyptions did or the romans to realise that man has always been this clever.
Here is an interesting thought to discuss. Do you thik that if you took a group of people from say 1,000 bc and raised them from babies in todays society, educated them, sent them to university and tought them engineering etc that they would be as smart as we are ?
All these mirales seem to have taken place when news spread by word of mouth. Now that we have the technology to record and broadcast such miracles, we don't seem to see them anymore. Very weird.
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Re: Believe

Post by Cookiemonster »

Jesusdroveastarion wrote:Oh Cookie by the way God did make man that belives in Him. We ALL believe in something because we all need to.
This is an inner desire that everybody has.
I do not believe in a god. I do not need to. Once I am dead I am worm food. I can accept a time when I will not exist.
And in closing he did make Man that believes in Him. I know thousands of them.
I know thousands of children who believe in Santa too. ;)
Live and let live I say.
Totally agree. You know we are good mates. Different beliefs will not get in the way of our friendship. I wish all people would realise this.
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Post by Jesusdroveawestfield »

couldnt have said it better myself :beer
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Post by strion » was angel gabriel not angel micheal...facts not fiction..mate
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Post by Jesusdroveawestfield »

Thanks Strion. Sorry about that.
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Post by strion »

my pleasure :wink:
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