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Post by Project2501 »

Thank you, Daryl. I only asked because I was curious. I have experienced death, and can agree that it gives us a sense of perspective, mortality and (for me at least) a sense of quiet unease. Im cynical, Im objective, Im scientific, but there are so many things I cannot explain yet I am unable to believe they came from God. Thats my stance, and unfortunately no one has been able to clear up anything for me in this regard (including my uncle who is a priest).

We have strayed off the topic a fair bit now lol.

Anyway, LIVE n LET LIVE.


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Post by stargirl »

why can't we all get along? :cry:
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Post by toysrus »

now your making all the girls cry project......:x
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Post by TD05 »

Project2501 wrote:Thank you, Daryl. I only asked because I was curious. I have experienced death, and can agree that it gives us a sense of perspective, mortality and (for me at least) a sense of quiet unease. Im cynical, Im objective, Im scientific, but there are so many things I cannot explain yet I am unable to believe they came from God. Thats my stance, and unfortunately no one has been able to clear up anything for me in this regard (including my uncle who is a priest).

We have strayed off the topic a fair bit now lol.

Anyway, LIVE n LET LIVE.



those unfortunate events that have been brought about by religion conflict do not necessarily mean that God had something to do with them, it's men doing, wars, genocide, murder, thievery, it's all man's own doing, when you or I do something wrong be it to satisfy ourselves or in the name of religion, we do it because it's our choice, it might be the right or wrong choice but it's still our choice, God has very little to do with it....
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Post by Jesusdroveawestfield »

YES :beer TD05 you absolute legend. Finally somebody who understands that this rubbish is caused by MAN !! aka RELIGION not God.
You the man. People say religion causes wars and therefore they feel justified in looking no further for the creator or any meaning to life. Its a cop out.
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Post by Cookiemonster »

Jesusdroveastarion wrote:Finally somebody who understands that this rubbish is caused by MAN !!
But as I understand it, God created man. So the big G must take some responsibility. And I thought he was supposed to be perfect.
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Post by Jesusdroveawestfield »

No my cookie monster, unfortunatly we had freedom of choice. I am not responsible for what my children will do as adults just as God is not responsible for what we do as men. I may have created my children but I am not responsible for them. By the way, tried to tune my theatre after speaking with you. Found a website with info but I think the guy who wrote it was on drugs. Needless to say..........I need you when you are available.
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Post by TD05 »

Cookiemonster wrote:
Jesusdroveastarion wrote:Finally somebody who understands that this rubbish is caused by MAN !!
But as I understand it, God created man. So the big G must take some responsibility. And I thought he was supposed to be perfect.

Cookie, you miss the point, he doesn't control people like robots, we have like Wallace said: "freedom" of choice....
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Post by Cookiemonster »

Being God you'd reckon he could have perhaps created a human which at least believes in him. Would have saved a lot of death and misery.

Silly God, he must be kickin himself over that one.

I wonder if Mohammad is equally miffed that he made the same mistake.
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Post by tmz_99 »

Cookiemonster wrote:Being God you'd reckon he could have perhaps created a human which at least believes in him. Would have saved a lot of death and misery.

Silly God, he must be kickin himself over that one.

I wonder if Mohammad is equally miffed that he made the same mistake.
oooh, theology.. :D
hmmm, i think that whatever (if there is a higher diety) is pretty pleased all in all... human beings are flawed on a bigger scale but not so on a smaller scale, even the most attrocious murderes and decidious politicians experence the good points of human nature, like love, smilig, giving and driving..:D :D :D
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Good Points

Post by Jesusdroveawestfield »

Good Points Tmz. Hey Cookie, the difference is Mohammed never ever claimed to be God. He simply claimed to have seen the Angel Michael and he was regarded as a prophet. Jesus on the other hand was in fact God in human form. He made this claim often
"I tell you anyone who has seen me has seen the father"
" I am the way, the truth and the life nobody comes through the father except through me"
etc etc
Not to mention of course the thousands of eyewitness accounts of raising people from the dead, feeding several thousand ( 5,000 not including the women and children that were there ) with a few fish. The walking on the water thing, the calming of the storm, speaking to the fig tree and having it wither in front of their very eyes. Healing paralysed people and on it goes. These are only the recorded events that made it into the bible. It says in there that if all the things he did were written down it would be massive.
But back to tmz's point. Yes true man is capable of terrible things but also amazing love and compassion. I am always amazed at how far man has come. Space travel amazes me, cars amaze me, technolgy that we are developing is mindblowing. We are without doubt an amazing wonderful incredible creation, all created in His image. It is important to remember that man is no more intelligent now than when he was first created. It simply our knowledge that has grown. You only have to look at some of the things the egyptions did or the romans to realise that man has always been this clever.
Here is an interesting thought to discuss. Do you thik that if you took a group of people from say 1,000 bc and raised them from babies in todays society, educated them, sent them to university and tought them engineering etc that they would be as smart as we are ?
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Post by Jesusdroveawestfield »

Oh Cookie by the way God did make man that belives in Him. We ALL believe in something because we all need to. This is an inner desire that everybody has. Be it an atheist who believes in the glory of man, the Christian who believes in God, the satan worshiper who believes in satan, the witch who believes in wicca. There is a desire in every being to know God. Some just fill it with something else which doesnt fit and some just try and ignore it. There is an old saying. There are very few atheists in a cancer ward. Reason being ? Most people dont realise God is all they need until God is all they have. And in closing he did make Man that believes in Him. I know thousands of them.
By the way I enjoy this discussion immensly. Nobody will EVER offend me because you have a different belief than me. Thats your perogative just as it is mine. Live and let live I say.
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Hey this is interesting

Post by WANTSOM »

I understand what you're saying and respect you, you know that but your last post got to the humour side in me so please dont take these comments as offensive, just some little humour.

I think I am a cross between Mohammed and God.

I dont know about being angel but my General Manager at work is named Michael and he believes in the Profit(sic) principle immensely. Then I get confused, you say God rose people from the dead. Well I wake Marie from the dead every Saturday and Sunday morning. So maybe I'm God. The you go on and say he can walk on water, well with the aid of a rope and boat so can I. Now, there's been a couple of times where Cookie's stepped out of line and Marie has threatened to paralyse him, now I know He did the opposite so its not really the same thing but I'm thinking maybe she could be God (which I hope not, thats a scary thought).

But back to me, I have have had parties where it seems like I have fed the thousands so theres that God cliche thing happening again.

Then each morning I face east, look towards work and pray it will be a better day than last so I'm back to Mohamed.

You see, very confusing.

Cheers dude.
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Post by tmz_99 »

Wantsom, quite possibly you ARE god,but only to yourself, as you are the person who controls the world that YOU see, just as all of us are also gods of our own domain. Its also quit possible you are THE god, as there is no way I can disprove that claim, all I can offer is that the chance of you being THE god is unlikely and hence you would have to provide me with far more truth before I could make an accurate assesment of your position within the hirachy. :D :D
Here is an interesting thought to discuss. Do you thik that if you took a group of people from say 1,000 bc and raised them from babies in todays society, educated them, sent them to university and tought them engineering etc that they would be as smart as we are ?
dont take myword for it but I believe they would be, as we only utilise 10% (or whatever the figure is) of our brains I dont belive people have changed much over the last 1000 years. MAYBE he would have to use %11 or so,ething like that, I havent heard of a study regarding the adaptation of the brain over that timespan as quite simply brains in general are one of the 1st parts of the body to rot. There would be very little difference between a person then and now as far as I can gather.
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Post by WANTSOM »

Tmz.... I see you point. I would like to think I am the master of my domain (Seinfeld -v- George Costanza)

I cannot disprove to prove where I sit in the hiearchy but I'm guessing if you lookd towards the lower rungs, you would stand a good chance of spotting me :)

Mind you I'd be in the company of the Elf one :D

Thought provoking stuff. As a side note I've come to the conclusion that even tho a number of us say we are religion neutral, we seem to have a view on its place in our society and an open mind to discussing it, which I think IS very healthy for mankind. Its says, I think, that we are all concerned with our own souls and where we sit in all of this. (Well OK, maybe the Scumster might be just a leeettlle to the other side but hey we gotta love his view of the world and his contribution to it. :)
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