the shit going down in iraq

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the shit going down in iraq

Post by tmz_99 »

here is a link to the recent decaptiation of an american by iraqi troops:

isnt it funny how when american troops torture and kill 100s of iraquis it's all pushed under the table but when they retaliate (as you would) with something, apperantly there will be "justice"...
this shit is just fucked up, cant ever1 just get along? :wtf:
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Post by decoy »

hmmm makes u grateful we're in australia hey.
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Post by Alspos »

My 2c.

If you went over there to work (not armed services) you'd only be doing it for the money. Great money but obviously there's a risk (or ther'sd be no money). Myself, I'd be saying f**k the money, you can fix the country yourself if this shit hapens to people trying to make a few bucks and get the place operating again. Then again, the aid people that get kidnapped etc, they're not even making a heap of money (I assume) and they still cop the same things.
Glad I live here and don't know how to fix a ....... whatever is broken in Iraq!

Not game to download the video though. Just the thought is enough.
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Post by Black JA »

i saw the video last nite and it aint for the faint hearted...u actually see them hacking into the guy and then holding the head up to the camera....fucked up out of a movie or something...
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Post by decoy »

i can handle that stuff in movies etc, but i dunno if i wanna c the real thing :S

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Post by Black JA »

well its pretty full on dude....
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Post by ProZac »

Nah, thats a pandoras box you sure as fuck dont wanna open i rekon.
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Post by tmz_99 »

problem is its already opened.. *sigh*... bush is such a fucking genius :flush
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Post by Defective »

you gotta feel for the guys family... knowing that the video is on the net...

america has opened one big assed can of worms and its only a matter of time before this shit starts happening everywhere... even if the yanks pulled out (which they wont) its too late, there is so much hatred over there....

and my best mate might be going to afghanistan with the nz army... $160 us a day... hardly seems worth it.
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Post by strion »

i downloadeed it but it didnt play the video...
only the sounds were playin,,....
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Post by tmz_99 »

regardless, the video now seems to be a 'fake'...

the guy is DEAD before they cut his head off
his killers seem non-arabs
he is wearing a US prision uniform

theres quite a few reasons why it would seem it doesnt originate from the iraquis..the guy IS dead apperantly, but it looks like sum1 else killed him :pimp
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Post by Black JA »

i heard the camera man fucked up the taping of it so they had to do a 're-enactment' once the dude was already dead...
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Post by NXTIME »

There are many sites that champion the "already dead" theory. Having seen the (grainy and unclear) video, I can see the merits of this theory. If you were to behead a person with a small knife whilst they were alive, their body wouldn't be so limp and there would be strong squirts of blood from the cutting of the arteries and blood would be everywhere. There doesn't appear to be much blood and the man doesn't flinch despite being hacked into. It looks not disimilar to the slaughtering of a sheep. Absolutely savage and disgusting.
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anti american

Post by Jesusdroveawestfield »

No w correct me if I am wrong but it assumes that tmz_99 is anti american.
Perhaps you are like so many ignorant people in the world who are trying so hard to be politically correct and hugging trees that you wouldnt know a fact if it hit you on the head.
You said that the us have swept the killing of hundreds of iraqis under thec arpet ?
OK here are a few facts for you.
Sadam and his sons were responsible for the deaths of millions....not a hundred or so as you said but millions of women, children, men...anybody who they thought was a threat to them. The iraqi "soldiers" who captured private Jessica Lynch broke her legs, raped her anally and probably every other way and now they are capturing civiilians. You fail to understand that this is a war zone and I wonder if you would not want to kick a few heads in if you saw your best friends getting captured, mutilated and dragged through the streets by these iraqis. It is the world and the media and ignorant doo gooders who sweep the facts under the carpet not the US armed forces.
Try a bit of reality with your opinions it may just help.
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Post by Project2501 »

I have in fact heard different opinions about what exactly happened to Pvt Lynch during her capture, though that sodomising allegation seemed to be disproved. Not taking sides, but if you want reality, you got it: US has always placed it's filthy nose where it does not belong. They have almost always had ulterior motives for going to war, vis the lack of WMD. They have "lost" about 4 of their previous engagements due to just jumping in with their "im richer, im better" philosophy. Look at Vietnam if you want an example of America being too big for their boots.

Hows this for reality: They believe Iraq to be liberated from a tyrant, yet they help a tyrant try and settle in the Gaza strip.

The REAL fact is, the US will never be accountable in the Hague, hence they will act like a petulant bully and continue to force their will upon others.


tom (anti us to the core)
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