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More problems...

Post by Rev »

Well, I double-checked everything was connected properly (except for 1 missing tb bolt :| ). Went to start it up, all electrics work, dash comes on, but nothing happens.. fuel pump is whirring away, and there is a clicking noise from the relay behind where the radio is.. I tried it a couple of times and sometimes there was also a clicking noise from another relay above the computer in the kick panel..

I don't want to start fiddling around with the starter motor when it could just be something simple. I have checked all the wiring connections again and it is all hooked up.

If it IS a relay, is there a replacement one I can get from Veale/Coventry's rather than get a genuine mit$ubi$hi one?
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Post by Rev »

Oh yeah, I charged the battery to full last night so it's not that.
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Post by Alspos »

Clean the battery terminals and the ones on the starter.
Have you tried to jump start it?
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Post by Rev »

Nah, I left my jumper leads at someone's house.. will try tonight.
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Post by scum »

just put 12v to the starter term on the back of the starter motor, only need a small wire (the little flat tab), will tell u that starter trigger dosent work if it does start to crank.
I figured out the meaning of life, and since then every day just gets worse.

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no start

Post by Starion VR4 »

a couple of thing to try.
1: when you have the lights on and you try to start engine do they dim? if so how low, do they dim right down? battery flat or broken conector on plates inside
2: if lights don't dim, is power reaching your starter motor, check with test pencil, the small wire going to solonid, does it light when you turn key? if it does tap starter motor solonid with hammer while some1 has key on, does this fix it ( make sure you have wire on corret terminal on solonid, mine has two spade terminals on it, one works the other doesn't.

let me know how you go with this first . 8)

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Post by Rev »

Thanks for the replies - at least I am getting somewhere now. :P

- Light's don't dim when I try to start it

- 12V to the starter solenoid connection works, it starts to crank

I have a test light pencil around here somewhere, looking for it now. :)
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Post by Rev »

Hooked up an LED in-line with the wire that goes to the starter solenoid, went to start it and the LED lit up... so I guess that wire is fine.. :?
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Post by Project2501 »

clicking noise around radio/bellhousing area is normally a dicky starter or starter solenoid if it is not the battery. Try and replace either of these.


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Post by Rev »

The clicking noise is actually the relay that was behind where the radio originally was. I know this for sure because I have pulled it out from behind the radio and can feel it vibrate and click when I turn the key.. so the noise definately isn't the solenoid. :?
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no start

Post by Starion VR4 »

just make sure you have spade terminal on correct terminal on starter, if that is good try taking a short of wire from +pos side of battery and going direct to small terminal on starter, this will engauge sonolid loud klunk, and starter should start to turn if not, your supply main cable may have a problem, or your starter is stuffed, if doing this starts engine, check supply voltage to sonolid with multi meter, on cranking it should be at least 9-12v( this is the small wire we were looking at before)...

get back to me 8)

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Post by Rev »

ust make sure you have spade terminal on correct terminal on starter, if that is good try taking a short of wire from +pos side of battery and going direct to small terminal on starter, this will engauge sonolid loud klunk, and starter should start to turn if not, your supply main cable may have a problem, or your starter is stuffed
I can only see the one terminal on the starter, and I am almost positive that is where I pulled it off from when I removed the cable from the starter.

Yep, the starter worked and the engine started to crank when I connected a cable from the battery to the terminal on the solenoid..

I don't have a multimeter but I have been meaning to buy one for ages so I will pick one up from Jaycar next week and see how it goes.
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starter prob

Post by Starion VR4 »

my starion had the same problem, couldn't be buggered tracking it down and just put a relay on to starter circuit, over time the supply wire builds up resistance and hey presto not enough voltage to engauge. If you are keen to fix it, follow the wire into car and find where i pulls its power from, then with multi meter check resistance of wire. should be a low figure, if not ( and i guess on yours it will be high) replace wire with new one, most good autoo supply shops have correct coloured wire, make sure it is the same Gauge(size). 8)

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Post by Rev »

Ok, thanks for the help dude. 8)
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Post by Barney »

Hi Trent

If you cant get it going, give me call and i will have a look at it. im not a mechanic, but may be able to help

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