Starion Idle

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Starion Idle

Post by robert26t »

this is much the same as "Bazza's" post. Im my starion (old starion) it has a realy screwed up idle. One min she is idleing at 900rpm then before ya know it its at 3000rpm then drops down to about 2000rpm then back to 3000 then 1200..... etc etc.. So basicaly she is all over the joint. Im aware that it has a cracked injector, could this be part of it? It is realy starting to make me wonder. any ideas on what could cause this?

BTW: i know i have sold this car and whatnot im just trying to help out the guy that got it... im 2 nice :x


Oh and i forgot to mention it only does it once its warmed up... or sitting at lights in nutral or clutch in.. not while driving as such....
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Post by Glenjo »


Microtech LTX8
Multi point injection
Dyno tune
Consistant idle.

Possibly not the most cost efficient solution to your problem, but a garunteed* one!

*Garuntee not garunteed
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Post by Bazza »

I have just got home from work and taken off the piping from the turbo to the inlet. Several minutes after turning the car off, the injector was dripping very slowly. Could this be the cause of my idle problem and why my car runs so rich?
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Post by Fuel »

Try disconnecting the Idle speed control motor, see if the idle returns to normal.

Throwing away the stock computer would be a good solution too. :)
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it's probably their firewall
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Post by TD05 »

Fuel wrote:Try disconnecting the Idle speed control motor, see if the idle returns to normal.

Throwing away the stock computer would be a good solution too. :)
my ISC is not connected at all, idles at a steady 900, the only drawback is that you have to compensate when cold with your foot!! after it's warmed up, perfect! :pimp
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Post by robert26t »

This may sound stupid considering i rebuilt this car but. ..... Where is the Idle computer thinggy? Whatever you call it.
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Post by Fuel »

It is on the back of the ECI where the accelerator connects, follow the wires to its plug, and un-plug it.
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