The studs on the back of the turbo. About a month or so ago I had to replace these studs as they were not long enough.
Three studs. Easy job I thought.
The first two studs came out fine. The third did not. Why is it always that way? Why is it always the last stud, or the last bolt or the last nut which is a problem?
Anyway.. the third stud was stuck. I know.. I'll get the vice grips onto it. Once I had successfully removed all the thread and created a lovely rounded stud I started to think that perhaps I should try something else.
Should I completely remove the turbo from the engine bay? No way! That would mean the stud would win. I was determined to beat it.
Out came the angle grinder. I grinded two flat edges on the stud to give the vice-grips something to vice-grip onto. The vice-grips put a lovely round edge on my grinded flat edge but the stud didn't move.
So I grinded a larger flat edge.. used clamps to clamp the vice-grips onto the stud. I then proceeded to pick up the mallet. I keep saying a mallet can fix anything.
I gave my weird contraption one almighty hit. YES! The stud rotated about 1mm. Of course now the vice-grips couldn't grip the flat edges as they were at the wrong angle.
Out comes the angle grinder. Two new flat egdes made. Clamped vice-grips installed. Mallet in hand. WHACK!
It moved another millimetre. This continued.... for 4 afternoons!
Couple of hours every afternoon for 4 afternoons!
But Im happy to say that stud has been withdrawn from his home. He now looks like this:
Cookie: 1
Stud: 0
And you'll be happy to know that this post completes my therapy for getting over this horrible life experience.