My POS makes serious boost from 2700, It is a 30/40 0.82 A/R on a stock 2lt.redzone wrote:meh. disagree. depends on so many things, as u know.. well u should..DanVR4 wrote:Not on your life. It wouldn't hit full boost until after 5k, especially with a 1.06a/r. The example your giving is almost stock-turbo like.
and besides, i said thats when the power would shoot up, not when it hits full boost. if its running 30 psi it would most likely start making power (ie power shoots up) when it gets to the start of the efficient part of the comp map, somewhere around 15 psi. it would take maybe another 500 rpm to build up to 30 psi or whatever....
I'm pretty sure it is too small for my new 2.4....