ECI TB Rebuilt - but now won't rev (HELP!)

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ECI TB Rebuilt - but now won't rev (HELP!)

Post by sillbeer »

Thanks to Barney on the weekend for leading me through taking the head of the ECI throttle off.

Have gone and got all new o-rings and seals, and have had the injectors cleaned and tested. Put all back correctly (I hope), and it started up OK. Now when it comes time to rev the engine, I can get it to between 2500-3000rpm before it dies. Sort of coughing and backfiring.

Have checked all vacuum hoses (most new and OK), leads (all new and OK), plugs (new Iridiums), air box/filter. All seems fine as most of these I changed on Saturday and all was good driving around Sunday.

If I manage to get the revs up to 4000rpm and hold it, it slowly starts to sputter and dies out. Not sure what to do short of pulling the throttle body apart again and checking all is OK (I don't have any parts left over). Conclusion is either a fuel problem or an air problem (leak).

If anyone has any ideas I'd appreciate the feedback.

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Post by boosted »

I once had a similar prob.

My tank was full with sludge and caused the prob.. After cleaning it and replacing the fuel pum and filter, everything was fine again...
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Post by David »

Maybe only one injector is working now...

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Post by sillbeer »

Is there anyway I can test this situation? Will be taking apart tonight again to see if I can find any evidence of what's happening - is there any way of testing to see that the injector is firing (assuming that's the problem)?

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Post by sillbeer »

Another suggestion was that the fuel pump might have given up ghost. THe dirty injectors were masking the fuel pump - I think another person a couple of posts up also mentioned the pump. Will have to check that out now.
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Post by coop1er »

Check your injectors.

Your symptoms are exactly what my car would do with a
faulty injector.

And seeing as this is what you messed with and now it doesnt
work right, it all fits in.
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Post by sillbeer »

The only thing I can't understand is that I've just had them cleaned and flow tested. Could putting them back into operation have stuck one of them or something. Anyone else experienced a duff injector after having them cleaned?

On another topic, does anyone have the part of the manual that has the assembly instructions for the ECI body (specifically the injection head)? This would be for a late '84 (JB) Starion with the round top and big 'ECI' letters on it.

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Post by Cam »

Thats actually a JA starion JB had different throttle body
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Post by Camotec »

Do the starion injectors fire sequentialy, for instance when the revs get up to say 3000rpm the secondary injectors starts firing?? if so check the connection and test the secondary injector as we have had similar issues on other thottle body injection cars.

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Post by Powerslave »

Try this , take out the two bolts and 2 phillips screws that hold on the top eci assembly to the throttle body (leave everything connected except the vaccuum hose.) Disconnect the coil lead , hold the ECI assembly so you can see the injector nozzles , and have someone crank the engine for you while you watch each nozzle. You should be clearly able to see fuel squirting from each injector.

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fuel pressure

Post by boosted »

check the fuel pressure over the whole rev range.....
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Post by Barney »

Hi Brendon

Sorry to here its not running right now.

Did you push the injector housing in the right way (i think thats the problem). if you remember we were looking at that when you came over in the weekend, maybe try rotating it 180deg.

If you want to try different injectors let me know as i know somebody that has a set.

Check all those little metal gause filter in the injector housings.

I have a spare fuel pump if you want to try it.

What about that little vacuum hose we had trouble with, the one thats goes to the fuel pressure regualtor

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Post by Barney »

how did it drive after we pulled it apart, was it OK?
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Post by sillbeer »

It seemed to drive OK after we changed everything. But there were certainly a slight hesitation in things. Like either the spark was breaking down or just not getting enough fuel. I didn't noticed any black smoke out the back so I can only assume that the what fuel was going in was getting burnt.

As I said in the post about the fuel pump, I have one coming over tonight I can use (new Bosch 070) if the fuel pressure is down. Will also check and make sure the plugs haven't been fouled by the normal coolant which leaks into the intake while I'm at it.

That other idea that Powerslave had to check the injectors out sounds good too. Might try it out before everything goes back together.

Oh, I didn't tell you, when I pulled it apart last night, the new o-ring/seal on the injector housing had stretched so much I had to go get another today (pain in the ass).

Will keep you all posted. Now Camotec, any luck on that manual bit I was chasing?

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Post by Barney »

also check the distributor for water/moisture as you did pressure clean the engine.

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