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Post by SIRIUS »

very recently my whistle to my turbo has gotten alot louder...usually stock staz turbos dont tend to whistle very only sometimes when it gets to about 5 will start to get small contiuous backfires...put put put...???...its not the fuel cut
please any help...
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Whistling or whining?

Post by David »

Could be the whine of death. Check the shaft for play....

Anyway, backfires at higher RPM might be electrical... Check (or rather replace ) the coil. See if that fixes it :) Also might be the ignition control box.

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Post by Camotec »

Don't think this will help your cause but my turbo started getting majorly loud on and off and then all the time turned out shagged turbo.

Good luck mate :)
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Post by ProZac »

Sounds like an air leak after the compressor to me, that can often make a really loud whistle or hiss, and will make your car run rather rich, possibly explaining the backfiring.
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Post by SIRIUS »

my shaft does have a lil bit of play but it was only done about 15 k ago...did i get stiffed...ohh found out what the backfires were so thats 1 ticked off...
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Post by TD05 »

SIRIUS wrote:my shaft does have a lil bit of play but it was only done about 15 k ago...did i get stiffed...ohh found out what the backfires were so thats 1 ticked off...
is the play in/out or up/down?? it's ok to have in/out play but not the other.... by that i mean, if you can move the compressor wheel up and down, then it's not so good...
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Post by Powerslave »

Don't forget to check your exhaust manifold for the all too common crack.
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Post by decoy »

what was the backfiring prob? i didn't notice the turbo whistle today ;)
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Post by SpidersWeb »

A whine is different from a whistle.

If its a whine, turbo recon/replace (check its the turbo, I thought mine was dying, turned out it was the g/box making the noise).

If its a whistle check your vac lines, if they are open the car loudly whistles under boost, and sounds like you have a full fledged wastegate screamer pipe. Ive been too lazy to fix my leaks, since its getting panel work done, and with the vac lines open it is REALLY loud whistle and a nice 'pssssssst' between gears. With vac lines closed, its quiet, faster, and provides stable boost (9psi flat as apposed to flicking between 8 and 10psi) with no noise.
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Post by SpidersWeb »

As for the mini backfires at high rpm - new plugs/leads fixed that for me. If there is a vac or compressor leak, then the AFM will put in more fuel than is needed in the motor, this can also cause backfiring. Backfires are caused by unburnt petrol in the exhaust, so generally spark or running too rich.

My car still does it when cold, but after about 2 minutes its perfect and smooth right up to 6000. (or should I really say, whatever RPM the little redlight on the digital dash appears, probably 6200). When cold you're limited to about 3500rpm for a minute or so.

I love the backfires when engine braking :D
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Post by SIRIUS »

i swear i have the worst luck...deeks back fires were me just being a wank...i ran more boost so i decide to cut the yellow wire to the map the back fire problem....but yeh i think it might be a play is up an down....:(
as for why i have bad luck...having lost my license...ok my fault but what was the copper doin at 5am just sittin in his car being a wank...then stereo all stolen, an bent my door like a tuna tin...stole my wheel caps..blew diff on my val starion engine blew same with turb at same very recently as of last night some one has a very nice custom 600x300x56 custom intercooler...that some stupid @#$% stole off my car on valetta rd last night..i swear if i see my cooler anywere around that area or anywere in fact..they better be fast runners... :glare:
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Post by decoy »

farkenell! did they do much damage to get in?? how many times is your car gonna get broken into! that sux.. at least they've never stolen the car... touch wood now sirius :(
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Post by Black JA »

:shock: That sux man......
Maybe u should invest in an alarm or something... or wire up another battery to ur shell so if anyone touches it they get a shock! :wtf:
been watching too many bloody bond movies.... :roll:
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Post by SIRIUS »

yeh i do have a alarm...but it didnt go off when they took the cooler... im spewin..there goe the money for my new comp...oh well...i only hope an pray that i end up comng across them...
im puttin on the front spoiler as soon as i get the new cooler on...then gona hook a switch to the cooler then to the alarm...
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Post by evogalant »

They actually unhooked it from the pipes and mounts and took it??? :shock:

Or did you just have it in your boot or back seat?
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