Caltex fuel

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Caltex fuel

Post by WANTSOM »

Heard a funny rumour the other day that Caltex "premium" is 104 octane.

Buggered if I know but does anyone have any knowledge on this. It sounds a bit suss if you ask me but would be worthwhile knowing for the obvious reasons.

Stuck some in the 'stang last night to see if there is a difference. Too soon to tell.

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Post by StarionChef »

No chance its 104, it's one of the lowest premiums available.
You mean Vortech(?) 94 octane would be more realistic for this stuf.

Stick with BP Ultimate and Mobil Synergy, don't bother with the rest :)
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Post by Glynn »

if your after higher octane fuel (arent we all :-D) you can after signing a declaration that you won't use it on the road. buy AVGAS (nato code F-18) this beatiful nectar comes in two forms, AVGAS 100LL (roz 100 octane) the blue stuff, or the green stuff AVGAS100/130 (roz 128 octane)

smells good :-) (not that i sniff fuel!) works good :-)
it's leaded and will depending if you are eligible for the subsidy be cheaper than premium

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Post by Paradoxx »

must be good working at a raaf base aye glynn?

i've never had aproblem with caltex, but there's no way its 104 octane. that would make it higher than avgas. i have had success with shell optimax, vortex, bp ultimate. Never tried the mobil stuff, but have heard good things so i might give them a try. Then again its different in each state because of different suppliers.
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Post by CussCuss »

vortex is 95 afaik, no way its 104

avgas while fantastic is also highly illegal, and this is epa size fines so we are talking in the vicinity of $10k
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Post by Project2501 »

vortex has got to be the lowest grade "premium" fuel around. As mentioned above, dont stray from Ultimate or Optimax (if its a fresh batch of optimax, that is) if you drive a performance car. There has been a lot of research done into these "premium" fuels, and it has been proven that Optimax octane degrades over time (hence the fresh batch provision)

Personally, Ill drive an extra 10ks to get Ultimate over any other fuel.


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Post by pcuser51 »

:D You guys are lucky our premium over here is 95 max, still its better than that super substitute . :D
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Post by Camotec »

Mmmmm green avgas..... well thats what i run anyways :) not all the time but atleast one in 3 fill ups, I have no oxygen sensors though and no cat.

People do not want to run straight Avgas if they have oxygen sensors as it stuffs them very quickly. However I am going to be producing a mix soon which will be AVGAS with a few other chemicals, just trying to find out the ratios and then I will head to the track days with a tank in the back of the ute that way people can grab a some litres, I will be selling in 5 litres and in 20 litres, depending on bulk buy of these other chemicals it should work out cheap maybe about $35-$40 for 20 litres of the fuel.

Will let you all know, All information will be provided on my website when it becomes available. BTW my fuel will not contain ethanol :)

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Post by ProZac »

not bagging you in any way, but that sounds suuuuuper dodgey!

So if i could be there, count me in! :)
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Post by Camotec »

I worked in a aircraft maintenance company and am not allowed to sell AVGAS to people to use it on the road, however track use has no policy.
And as for selling the fuel, it would be sold on a cost basis not for profit and only for other staz owners.

My dad and his mates from way back use to make fuels up all the time for drag and race applications, back when everything was done in a backyard type setup.

The only thing now is that you can use certain chemicals to aid in prevention of leaving residue on sensors and the like. Not dodgy. science.
Fuels and additives are made up all the time as required by experimental aircraft. Not being a "my dad is the best" type person but he was in the airforce for many years as an engine mech'n'tech and although engines can be very different to car type applications the same rules and physics apply.

I know the fuel I will be using on race day. cause i know exactly whats in it.

We are the Sole provider of Jet A1 in the central west too, so as soon as someone puts a turbine engine in a staz let me know we can do a deal :P
I have 2 spare turbine engines if anyone wants one although you might have to massage the firewall a bit to get it in.

We are actually fitting a turbine engine for show to an XY Falcon Ute, the engine is of a meteor incase anyone is interested. it puts out a few pound of thrust, just don't stand at the tail pipe.

Oooh Geez sorry for rambling hehe

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Post by StarionChef »

Project2501 wrote:vortex has got to be the lowest grade "premium" fuel around. As mentioned above, dont stray from Ultimate or Optimax (if its a fresh batch of optimax, that is) if you drive a performance car. There has been a lot of research done into these "premium" fuels, and it has been proven that Optimax octane degrades over time (hence the fresh batch provision)

Personally, Ill drive an extra 10ks to get Ultimate over any other fuel.


For shure! :)
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Post by StarionChef »

Ben, that fuel sounds awesome :)

Do you ever just start up a jet engine in the garage? Ive heard a story about a dude that when his mates were around, he would crank up the jet motor.
Is it you Ben? :D
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Post by Camotec »

LOL well i have never had any friends around when we spun it up, we haven't added fuel to the mix yet but the engines still push out quite a bit of air with out fuel, enough to take a shirt off ya back anyways.

Once we get a bit of time and get the engine on the engine jig we will add fuel and test it out. other wise we won't have much of an workshop left cause the engine would not stick around long heh
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Post by merlin »

Ben, can you describe how JET A1 is different to kerro?
I have never been able find out.

BP ULTIMATE is my 1st choice of fuel. I dont like MOBIL after what they did to to stuff up all the light aviation guys, and never compensated them.
Also, a mate has had a bad shot of 8000, which Mobil ignored. Cost him lotsa $. I'l second the comment on the Optimax issue, new is ok, for street, but dont use it for track days.
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Caltex Fuel

Post by WANTSOM »

OK - took the 'stang for a run yesterday - Caltex fuel is shit. Anyone want to buy 50 lites of fuel for their lawnmower.

As I said it sounded suss at the time but hey if you dont try.....

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