Gabriel shocks for Starion

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Gabriel shocks for Starion

Post by Will »

I remember there was a thread once about how difficult it was to find a replacement rear shock that bolted straight in. I looked up the Gabriel ( application guide and it lists shocks for front and rear for the Starion. Front:G44945, Rear:G55530.

I'm not sure what they're like but I hope this comes in handy for someone. I'm giving my car the Peddars treatment soon, and depending on what solutions they have for rear shocks, I might try the Gabriel option.
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Post by Camotec »

I was actually just thinking about the options for my rear... :D

Seriously though, that is great thanks I was really just thinking about how i am going to get these shock casings modified.
They have strut mounting parts too does that mean we would have to buy those too or??

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Post by Will »

Forgot to add that these shocks are available at SuperCheap Autos, however, I doubt they would stock the Starion models. If its not a Falcon, Commodore, Magna or Camry... you know how it goes. I'm not sure if they are the distributors in this country, but it would be best to contact the distributor direct if they're not.

The rear shock is sold as a whole strut, so it looks like a bolt in replacement. Check out the picture on the website under "Our Products", "Premium Passenger Car", "Ultra Struts and Cartridges".
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Post by Cam »

im emailing places at the moment trying to find out prices.
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Post by SIRIUS »

hehehe finally some info thats extremely will..looks like ill be off to super cheap to see how much they are...they should be able to order them...
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Post by dirty sanchez »

I just did a major suspension refresh on the starion (I replaced every single component in the suspension system plus more) and looked into Gabriel shocks. Gabriel are a cheap (low quality) shock and while any new shock will be a step up, they are quite disappointing compared to even Monroe GT Reflex.

I got a local machining company to modify my struts to take Sigma inserts (cost $60 per strut) then you can use any insert designed for a Sigma. These choices include Pedders, Monroe, Koni, Bilstein, etc. and they are all far better than Gabriel.
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Post by Will »

Dirty Sanchez, What shock did you settle on? and which do you think is the best street/track compromise?
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Post by dirty sanchez »

I settled on Pedders GSR strut inserts with King Springs lowered springs, a combination of Nolathane and Whiteline bushes and Whiteline swaybars. The bushes are fine but the Whiteline rear swaybar doesn't fit properly (I had to bodge the rear chassis mounts to make it fit) and the factory starion springs sag so much that the lowered springs make it ride at the same height it had before the upgrade.

Pedders told me the GSR inserts were their top of the range and had similar valving to Koni. They are OK for track use but probably a little firm for road use and they don't seem to have the speed sensative valving that the better shocks have. In my experience the good shocks have heavy damping when you need it and a supple ride the rest of the time. Anyone who has ridden in a Koni or Bilstein equiped car will tell you the suspension is firm but never uncomfortable. I got the Pedders struts because I could get them very, very cheap!

I also have a set of adjustable strut tops arriving tomorrow, it will be interesting to see what difference they make.
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Post by Will »

Thanks.. that's exactly the info I needed. Are they Lancer GSR inserts? I'm going to send my car to Peddars to get a once over check + I'll probably get them to do bushes that need a press to get out... plus its greasy as all hell down there and I'll get them to clean it up. I'll go urethane bushes all round unless there's a good reason to keep some of them rubber.

I've used Koni's in the past and found them very firm, but yes - I would agree, not harsh. Perhaps too firm for just street use however. I prefer a slightly softer shock mainly for the control on the street where the car will spend a lot of time.
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Post by StarionChef »

I had pedders shocks put in a celica I had many moons ago, and after a close inspection at home, they had gabriel stamped into them.
I put cheapy gabriels in my ford last year, and for the money they did a good job ($240 for 4!), I'd imagine they would be better than 20 year old stuffed inserts that are in most starion. But as the saying goes... you get what you pay for
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Post by dirty sanchez »

GSR is the Pedders premium sports brand. If you think Konis are too harsh for road use I'd stay well away from the GSR shocks. If you want a comfortable shock you should have a look at the Monro GT Reflex, I put a set of these in my wife's capri turbo. They are comfortable and semi-sporting but don't give anywhere near the control of a Koni or Bilstein. The Reflex shocks use a rotary valve to change the level of damping dependant on the speed of the bump/rebound, it seems to work quite well.

As far as bushes go I think you will find that beggers can't be choosers for Starions. I had to mix and match from different manufacturers because no manufacturer could supply all the bushes.

Apparantly Pedders re-brand shocks from a number of manufacturers, I heard that they use monroe a lot. Gabriel shocks are used as OEM equipment for a number of American car companies, they are pretty good value for money but they are not what I'd call a sporting shock. On the other hand, anything is better than 20 year 200,000km old shocks :D
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Post by evogalant »

Forgive my ignorance but what exactly are the bushes and what do they do? and what is the benefit and average cost of replacing them?
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Post by Camotec »

well bushes are a piece of rubber or silicone (better) that are everywhere in cars like in the suspension, they give a more stable feel and less movement between other bits, giving overall better stability.

A downside to silicone bushes 'can' be more vibration under turn in or felt in the gearbox if silicone bushes are used in the gearbox mounts, not really a downside just more rough cause they are a harder material.

ok i can hardly understand that too, but basic idea anyways.

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Bushes to replace first

Post by sillbeer »

dirty sanchez (and anyone else)

Just wondering in what order to replace the bushes - pretty sure the front control arm bushes have already been done (cause they're bright red). Also, if you had to put a figure on it, what did you new suspension setup cost - appreciate it broken down if possible (springs, shocks, bushes, sway bars).

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Post by 4g6beat »

Hi guys i wouldn't mind knowing how much a set of konis or bilsteins for the staz cost i'd like it to be suitable for a track/road use setup also what height and size spring would best suit the staz i'd like a prety neutral steer with a bit of oversteer would any of the combos listed give me this sort of feel?

does anyone have part numbers for bushes etc or will i have to just compare my worn out (read: shot ) bushes i was hoping of spending about a grand on getting a good track/road setting, is this achievable?

i'd be happy to make an online guide for any of this stuff i have the info, some forums i know have a sticky for theses kind of things with just relevant info, just an idea :D
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