WTB: Digital Dash

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WTB: Digital Dash

Post by logik »

Hey all,

Just after a digital dash, does it have the same wiring harness as the existing analog dash meaning
straight pop in. Or am i going to spend time pulling my hair out behind a soldering iron? :x

Prefer fully working dash, all gauges good etc. Dont really care how many k's are on it as long as they
arent like insane. Low would be nice :wink:

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Post by ProZac »

Ive just swapped mine for an analogue one alas, but ill keep my eye out over here in NZ, there are a few floating around.

yes, the wiring harness's are the same, they are a straight swap.

but, honestly, their crappy, the tach is very very laggy, and the speedo is hard to read in the glare.
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Post by logik »

I'll probably keep my old one just in case, i just wouldnt mind seeing one for myself. How laggy do you mean?
Or just laggy cause it only has increments in xx rpm so you never know 'exactly' what rpm you are doing?

I've never seen the tach in a starion digital dash, i've seen one in an s2000 and i can understand how having large
increments (like 500rpm per light block) would be annoying. I really just need a new dash cause most of my gauges
are fucked, and i thought digital dash, why not - and the wank factor is just awesome too :wink:

I'm sure i could figure something out glare wise.

Yeah cheers, appreciate if u'd ask.
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Post by ProZac »

seriously laggy, if you sit there and squirt the throttle, by the time the tach shows anything, the engine is almost back to idle.
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Post by Powerslave »

Yes , the digital dash speedo is hard to read when the sun falls directly on it , and it's a bit glary at night , but it makes you more concious of your speed cause it's in your face. The tacho is a bit laggy , but IMO not as bad as prozac has pointed out. There is one point of interest , if you want to install cruise control at any stage , the digital dash has an advantage , it has a pulse generator that you can use a tap from for speed sensing. It is for this reason (and my now working VELNAS) that I have decided to keep my digital dash , otherwise invest in some ultra-bright blue LED's and try installing them (to replace the white incandescent bulbs) in your analogue dash , this should pruce it up a bit.
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Post by tmz_99 »

yeah, the lag isnt too bad, but Ive invested in a monster tacho because it is a BIT laggy.. next time u see me cruising pull me over and I'll take u for a quick spin.. :D
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Post by SpidersWeb »

Mine isn't laggy at all.

Both speed and rpm are fast updating. If you rev the engine by flooring it and then taking foot right off. The rpm just goes up and down with the engine speed correctly. No lag.

Perhaps I just got lucky with my digital dash. Only thing I hate about the bastard is the rev guage, just with my height and how I like to sit, most of the time I can't see the rev guage, its blocked by the steering wheel. Also sunlight from the driver side or rear means I can't read my speed. However it looks a lot cooler than the analogue dash and does the same job.

Other difficulties include the fact the display is only 2.1 digits, so highest it can read is 199.
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Post by Camotec »

Does anyone know if any HUD system after market or otherwise is available cheap too if possible so we can see the speed on the windscreen and maybe other things like temp etc.?

they used to be on the old ca18de silvia Qs
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Post by Powerslave »

It is possible to build your own for about $80 , just buy the jaycar kit , and replace the 7-segment displays with either a ultra-bright led array , or a bright vacuum diplay tube. The trick is to mirror-reverse the seven segment diplays. I am currently developing a general purpose console mounted display. First trick is a fuel remaining diplay (in litres) using the fuel sender unit. If anyone is interested , let me know. This same kit can be used for temp , batterey voltage , boost (in psi) , anything that has a sensor.
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Post by Camotec »

I am interested in helping or the like let me know :)
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Post by logik »

Oh jeeezzz, someone must have a digital dash they aren't using, gods sake -- SPEAK UP! :P
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Post by scum »

magnawreck, here in perth have one.

please,pleas,PLEASE! don’t buy anything off them, there magna-wankers, or mega-wankers is a bit closer, he will want about $3.6mil for it. also there is a $55000 charge for him to go and get it from the back of the yard. plus the $2000 charge to do a bad job at wiping the dust and grime off it. plus the $700 charge for him to lie about the condition and tell you that it wasn’t left in the floor of the car without glass, in the rain, sitting in a puddle of skank in the bottom. then there is the GST.
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Post by Camotec »

hehe sounds like they have a top notch business on their hands there hhehe
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Post by toysrus »

Camotec wrote:hehe sounds like they have a top notch business on their hands there hhehe
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Post by toysrus »

I know NZ wreckers would have access to alot of Digital dashes due to their direct Jap models.
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