VR4 Twin cam head

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Post by flav »

$550...no bent valves.
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Post by Entaran »

TOMSUN wrote:Excellent...

So you can answer my questions...

Are the valves the same size?
Are the valve springs the same diameter, thickness, stiffness?
Are the ports the same size?
Can't you get a 2g NA GSR Galant head to avoid changing the lifters?
What is wrong with the 1g lifters? And why 2g lifters? I thought the 3g lifters were better...
Yes (porting wouldn't go astray still)

1g lifters come factory with a flaw... the hole at the end of them is too small, the 2g lifters put a bigger hole in but they were about 0.5-1mm too long for the 1g and would tap occasonally anyway. The 3g lifters are 0.5 mm shorter than the 1g and have the same massive hole in the end. I have two sets of 3g's and my cars are DEAD silent in the head. (Compared to that stupid tap most 1g's have).
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Post by merlin »

1g, 2g, 3g?
are we talking hydrolic lifters here?
what variant were the 3g items from?
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Post by TOMSUN »

I believe it is just in reference to Mitsubishi 1st Generation, 2nd Generation, 3rd Generation motors...
I'm not sure how it refers to years and models...
I'll admit it that I don't know alot about this topic...
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Post by Entaran »

1g = 87-92, 2g=93-98, 3g=99+

87-92, timing belt our drivers side.

93-98 timing belt swapped

99+ timing belt swapped, some have mivec.
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Post by merlin »

thanks for the good info entran.
do you think it would work ok opening the holes on a set of 1st gen lifters?
I still just have time to do something about this, as my twincam head is being assembled today, and if a mod is possible, then it can be done.
I believe a set of new lifters are expensive?
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Post by AXELR8 »

i may have some lifters for sale......
with the larger hole(for non-tap)....
You think that's fast??? You got nothin' on Roger!!
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Post by Entaran »

Two sets of lifters cost me less than machining out the holes in the 1g lifters.

Remember, if you machine out the holes you risk lifter stability. I believe 3g lifters are made out of a higher quality steel than 1g's and are therefore stronger. I -believe- (from engineering theory) that if you machine the end of the 1g lifter you'll very likely crack the channel that the oil travels through.

Better off just replacing them. Full set delivered from the US is less than 250 AUD.
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