Road rage NOT!

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Road rage NOT!

Post by TD05 »

on the way home from work , I was following from what I thought was a safe distance one of those minivan, handy van suzuki thing, anyway, as we approached the traffic lights I changed lanes ready for the onslaught waiting for the greens, which never came, so we stopped next to each other, I noticed the driver of the suzuki thing quickly leaning over and lowering the passenger's window, I thought to meself, ok, here we go.

He then said, uhh, that's an amazing machine, what is it, a mitsubishi (my stazz is debadged) uhh, Starion .. I said, a what?? he said, Sta-ri-on I says, he said a great, great looking car, how much are they going for now.. 4k I said , then the lights went green and we parted .....

when it looks like road rage it's just a compliment around the corner boys... :D
Kiss my st AZZ -
Starions rule the sports car world
GTI-R's are best in the wet..
Who needs Rock & Roll when there's JAZZ, Honda RULEZ
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I love starions
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Post by AXELR8 »

Doesn't it feel good when you drive around slowly (ie a car park), and you here someone mention the word "starion". And their mates are like "Wha???" or "Nah man, that's a cordia/supra/celica" and then the guy/lady who recognised the starion starts lecturing his/her mates about how wicked starions are, and how foolish they are for not knowing squat about cars.....

Sorry, your post just made me think of that.... thought i would share
I have experienced no road rage in the staz... What's it like up your way??

You have any stories you are willing to share?

Let them flow forth.....
You think that's fast??? You got nothin' on Roger!!
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