15 year old import loophole closed as of today

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Post by flav »

I think you could bring that in as a personal import if it's 'yours' and you have lived there for 12months +
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Post by NXTIME »

Yes, you can bring it in as a personal import, but you have to have owned it for 12 months as well as lived there.

If you can prove that you had made a financial commitment before they made the announcement to alter the 15 year rule on 7 February 2005, then you can still import any car built up to December 1990 as long as you apply for approval before the end of 2005. I think that you can do this for any car you already have Steve, as long as you can prove that you bought/owned it before the cut off date.

Now, if the car is built between January 1989 and February 1990, then you have until the law is actually amended and gazetted (which DOTARS say will take about 3 weeks - so early March 2005) to apply for import approval and still be allowed to import under the old 15 year rule.

After the amendments have been gazetted and become law, then you can only importcars that are built before 1989 under the new 15 year rule.
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Post by tri26t »

have a look at http//:www.prestigemotorsport.com.au theres a
lot of info there.
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Re: 15 year old import loophole closed as of today

Post by MelbStazz »

:puke spewin.
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Post by NXTIME »

In effect, the only cars that this will prohibit from importing are those produced from 1989 onwards. Sw20 MR2's, R32 GTR's, 300ZX's, etc etc. However, you will be able to import them via SEVS through a RAWS workshop, but this will see them costing up to $5,000 more and they cannot be modified.

In the meantime, these cars can still be imported until the new law is gazetted.
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