BOV Problems (oh joy)

All technical questions and answers regarding starions, being modifications to maintenance.
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Post by merlin »

most BOV's work better if the hose ID is 3mm to 4mm diameter, preferably 4mm. i would recomend NOT plumbing into the MAP sensor line, as the volume of air required to be moved around in the plumbing can affect the MAP sensor output. better to plumb into a seperate port, or into the brake servo line, which is about 6mm ID.
if changing the PCV doesnt fix the smoky exhaust, then i think cookie is right, valve stem seals bleeding oil.
on the starter issue, TN magnas have a double reduction starter that fits, is a lot newer, sounds better, starts better, and dosent flatten the battery so easily.
oh, and dont run the BOV on its weakest setting, as it may leak at idle.
if they need a weak setting to get them to work, the hose is to small a internal diameter (i found all this out the hard way, :cry: )
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Post by WANTSOM »

Ben, when you drove off last Sunday, you had a whiff of smoke on take off after you had been idling a while. Telltale valve stem seals - could be on the way out. Cookie thought it might have just been some excess WD40 but hey what would he know hey! :)

Little known fact - Mitsubishi skimped on costs for their production line workers with the Starion - only gave them 12 and 14mm spanners. Someone once snuck a 17mm ringy in and left it there when he was sacked for disobedience. The other workers kept it but had to share it. (believe it or not!!??!!)

Gotta love my technical input - now you know why I dont post in technicals.

Never argue with an idiot, it brings you down to their level and they beat you with experience.
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Post by merlin »

maybe so Greg, but I always enjoy your posts, nontheless!
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Post by Camotec »

Hey guys,

Ok i will let you guys know, I am going to do a few things today but if i can't fix it I will take my car to rod jones on monday and have him check it out and get him to fix it, i have had all about as many problem as i can take in one week. atleast i am getting all issues now, so atleast when i fix them i might be able to actually drive the car without to much problem :wink:

I appreciate you guys and your help so much greg cookie chef and everyone else it is invaluble to me :) (ok thats worth a beer next time i am down) heh
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Post by Camotec »

Ok i took it for a drive today and I wasn't getting smoke so i thought ah good. anyways all was good until i got to mt. Pan and I gunned it up the hill and upon backing off i got some smoke and then it slowly dissapated and then didn't have a problem over the rest of the mountain then i wen through town with no smoke fine until I whacked it in first and smoked it up around a corner in the high revs of first not near redline about 4500rpm and then changed gears once i did that i got smoke when backing off at the next set of traffic lights but it stopped soon after and then i drove back home i set the turbo timer and looked at the tailpipe and notice a little smoke nothing that lingered but still saw it...

ok if that is valve stem seals then i am taking it too my mechanic on monday to check it out.

Cheers guys and thanks :)
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Post by Cookiemonster »

Valve stem seals are not that hard to replace yourself. I have the tools here to do it if you want to spend a day here.

If your stem seals are gone then your motor will draw oil in from the head during high vacuum periods. So whilst idling or when you back off the throttle and then hit it again you will see whiffs of smoke.
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Post by Camotec »

Are you available any day during the week that you would want to spend in the toolbox though?
Can i get better than standard seals??
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Post by Cookiemonster »

No and not necessary.
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