Own a piece of history

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Own a piece of history

Post by tmz_99 »

nothing to do with cars but this is truly a piece of modern history.. :
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi ... 95653&rd=1

props to whomever buys it. [/url]
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Post by TD05 »

yeah only in America, let's idolize a communist who would have gladly destroyed western society with one bullet if he could.

No Starion to be found in his dream let me tell you, we'd be all driving Ladas, white of course. I'd give him 40 cents for the lot....

here's to you Guevara :finger
Kiss my st AZZ -
Starions rule the sports car world
GTI-R's are best in the wet..
Who needs Rock & Roll when there's JAZZ, Honda RULEZ
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