Ok, walk down the hall at work towards the front door, see someone, nod and say "hey" or 'gidday' or whatever, normal work relationship.
Walk up the road to get some lunch or on the way back and see the person I passed minutes before driving their car.
They wave, toot etc. and expect me to wave back, I already acknowledged them 8 minutes ago. WTF is up with that? Just drive your stupid car and leave me alone.
That is all.
well 8 minutes is a long time... maybe he was just excited to see you again so soon?
Re: Waving
maybe he suffers from Alzeihmers.. :(Alspos wrote:Ok, walk down the hall at work towards the front door, see someone, nod and say "hey" or 'gidday' or whatever, normal work relationship.
Walk up the road to get some lunch or on the way back and see the person I passed minutes before driving their car.
They wave, toot etc. and expect me to wave back, I already acknowledged them 8 minutes ago. WTF is up with that? Just drive your stupid car and leave me alone.
That is all.
Kiss my st AZZ -
Starions rule the sports car world
GTI-R's are best in the wet..
Who needs Rock & Roll when there's JAZZ, Honda RULEZ
Starions rule the sports car world
GTI-R's are best in the wet..
Who needs Rock & Roll when there's JAZZ, Honda RULEZ
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