Running DASH on Starion ECU $%&#@*

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Running DASH on Starion ECU $%&#@*

Post by toysrus »


Who has alot of hands on experience in running the DASH Injection system with the Starion ECU or using the top half of the Starion injection onto the DASH inlet and wiring it all up :D

A knowledgable friend needs assistance.......just can't read the japanese DASH wiring diagram and he has just got it started using the Cordia injection but says it sucks big (thirsty bugger) and would prefer to run the full DASH set-up with either the Cordia ECU or Starion and which injectors he would need to use then 'cause of the factory duty cycle etc etc

If you need more specific q's raise your hand and I'll pass his email onto you.

Cheers everyone !
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Post by toysrus »

Cmon............I know some here has done it :?
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Post by Cookiemonster »

Yeah, c'mon people! It's been a whole 30 minutes! Where are all the damn answers!?
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Post by toysrus »

Yeah :D were's all our guru's :x

A whole 12 hours and nufin :cry:
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Post by Cookiemonster »

I've read your post a few times now and I still can't figure out what the question was.
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Post by toysrus »

Well the question is, who has set-up the DASH including its injection system on a Non-DASH ECU, wired it all up, and have got it running mildly lean, ie the way it was supposed to be run from the factory ?
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Post by Cookiemonster »

I couple of people have done that with a Starion ECU, but not many. Basically you just won't be supplying any power to the 2nd inlet valve solenoid and thus the 2nd inlet valve will also be functioning.

The only other consideration would be injector sizing. If the DASH injectors are a similar size to Cordia injectors then the Cordia ECU should run it fine. But im guessing the DASH injectors would be larger. So yes it will run rich using a Cordia ECU.

Are DASH and Cordia injectors swappable? You may have to pluck the injectors out and compare. If possible put the Cordia injectors in there and see what your fuel mixtures are like.
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Post by toysrus »

Do you know who they are, eg username or pm there emails if you can becuase he needs help with wiring in the DASH sensors etc into the ECU or how to work around it because they are different.

The injectors are not too hard to trick, its just that he hates the cordia injection setup.

He's not too bothered about the third valve, he'll get it running properly after with a rpm sensor and relay switch.
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Post by Cookiemonster »

I can't remember who they were. Don't forget, Im old. Hopefully they'll post here.
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Post by merlin »

a complicating factor here is that there is more than one kind of (factory) dash injector arrangenment. the kind i have uses 2 very different sized injectors, and they are an "internal" type. ie completely incompatible with normal staz types. trying to run that type from a std staz ecu would be a time wasting exercise.


with dash, go aftermarket ecu.
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Post by toysrus »

That's what the guy is regreting now, he had the chance to buy it with a Haltech already wired in n tuned etc but declined to get it cheaper.

Merlin, have you done it before with the Stazs' ECU ?
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Post by mrb1 »

Bloody hell he shouldn't have passed up buying the Haltech. He could then put whatever he wanted in there, bigger/smaller injectors, TBI, MPI, bigger/smaller turbo, DOHC whatever and just retune it. No need to worry about 20 year old map sensors, air flow meters, etc failing. Plus you can data log etc.
What do you do if the mixtures still wrong with a factory ECU you can't adjust anything.
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Post by toysrus »

Can't you trick the injectors by reducing the current, because it is really running rich ? And hope it stays fine through the rpm range :roll:

I'm sure he's regreting it atm, 'cause I told him the extra 20-30hp he lost from not taking the Haltech will cost more in different mods now to regain that lost power :wtf: ...........too late now
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Post by merlin »


and i am yet to see an instance where sombody paid a premium for an installed and tuned aftermarket (modern) ecu.

and the haltec would have done nicely,
but now your mate will have to pay full price.

if he buys a wolf 3dv4 i can supply a cal file.
others may be able to supply cal files for other ecu's.
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Post by toysrus »

its too late now for him so I'm trying to find someone who has done it with their Starion ECU and can help me out.
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