ok ive managed to get a ISC that ISNT STUCK. After following the ISC resetting procedure, the ISC seems to be doing its work.. but it lets down the revs TOO SLOW and therefore my bov will not blow off.. the revs will go down to idle speed eventually, just too slowly.
i noticed on my uncles JD, which has a good ISC and is excellent for cold starts and has no idle problems, that the same thing is going on.. the isc lifts off the throttle too slowly, therefore it will not let the bov blow off..
does anyone else here have a good working ISC setup and a bov that works properly?
i still have to verify that the ISC will cold start without manually putting my foot on the throttle.. as i just finisned the swap.
i dont know what u mean by bypass, but the ISC should sit just about the throttle.. im off to give it one more shot before i disconnect it for the night.. :(
ISC = Idle Speed Control Motor, also commonly refered to as a stepper motor. Its just a servo motor that pushes down on the throttle slightly to up the idle. They're on starions with the cross t-bar type fuel rail (ive got no idea about the earlier ECI units), and are notorious for buggering out unfortunatly. I rebuilt/replaced mine a couple of times, as i had exactly the same symptoms Androoz talks of, i came to the conclusion there was a wiring fault somewhere, or it just wasent getting the right signal, so i left i unplugged in the end. If you do manage to get it sorted Androoz, i'd love to know what the prob was! :)
sounds more like a computer glitch, mine works fine with the haltech, and doesnt affect the bov. I can adjust the number of steps on the ecu, but i never had a problem with it (after i got it wired up correctly). It is pretty common for mitsubishi ones to stop working though.