looks like it is gonna be a killer even on the drag strip, Cookie, what's your final drive ratio? and are you using the std gearbox??? seeing that there's not much of an interior left, the sparcos ain't too heavyyou should be around the 1000kg mark, am i right. power to weight ratio'd be hmmm, can I drive it please????
Kiss my st AZZ -
Starions rule the sports car world
GTI-R's are best in the wet..
Who needs Rock & Roll when there's JAZZ, Honda RULEZ
Hmmm... no I haven't. Interesting. Which parts of the doors can I legally remove?
I was going to leave the door trims in as well to retain the power window buttons. You reckon I should remove the trim? I could move the buttons to the centre console easily enough.
You no longer need the factory seat belts whcih will weigh a bit. Yes, door trims arent needed, but they don't weigh engough to really justify removing them, plus, they can hide the inner door mods ;)
Please register your vehicle details on the AUSTRALIAN STARION REGISTRY <HERE>
You can remove that if it is allowed in the rules. Also, you could then also possibly remove the intrusion bar, but then that may weaken the door in case of side impact collision. However, you do have the rollcage in there. So that is a further option. Those doors are so damn heavy.
Please register your vehicle details on the AUSTRALIAN STARION REGISTRY <HERE>
I think you'll want to keep the power windows, for warm days for one. They actually weigh less that wind up ones too (they do in Alfas anyway)
I saw an escort once where they attacked the inside door sking with a 50mm holesaw. Looked like swiss cheese. Lightened it a bit though. I wouldn't take out the intrusion bars, just in case, be nice to have two layers of protection.
Alspos wrote:I saw an escort once where they attacked the inside door sking with a 50mm holesaw. Looked like swiss cheese. Lightened it a bit though. I wouldn't take out the intrusion bars, just in case, be nice to have two layers of protection.
That sounds like a fun Sunday afternoon project. I'll check the regs first though.
The guy that now owns the exron lancer from years back showed me where they cut all the door internals out. There was alot of "air" in there.
I like the dash and door trims remaining in mine so it still feels like a starion to drive, well, sort of :)