i remember i wore a dress once and man, you would not believe how much trouble that can get you in. if my alias 'El hombre colgó como un burro' ever surfaces i am in deep shit. but i burnt his passport and visa after my little 'incident' so its all good.
I figured out the meaning of life, and since then every day just gets worse.
Alot of people say stuff about kids(not meaning u guys, just in general), but i think they are the best thing that ever happened to me.. But in the mean time you can use one of my promo girls as a fill in hottie!!!!!
No offence Flav but im positive that kids were the best thing that happened to you. I remember when we were younger, gee those were they days, back then i thought no one would ever tame you. Then mrs flav came along and she surely whipped you into submission. but wen the wounds healed you made kids. i remember the first time i held hands with my wife. sorry im getting carried away. Moral of the story: Flav seen first hand stuff he was doing was same as his kids do and its stupid so he stopped and took up new hobbies. Kids hey they sure do learn fast, but are we teaching the right things? more parents should have starions in their driveway.