Paint striper?

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Paint striper?

Post by gotrice? »

Okay seing as the staz may be of the road for a while, i want to paint the bonnet and front bumper.

Whats a good paint striper i could use for this? that won't damage the bumper.

polyeurathane bumper primer Can i pick this up from a hardware store or will i have to order it?
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Paint Stipper

Post by Wraith »

Ok, basically any paint stripper you use is going to affect the bar unless u mask up and cover any paint and plastic you dont want affected. i know cause ive been paint stripping my whole JA in preperation for rust removal and new colour. however i have found something a lot easier, its an angle grinder attatchment, a wire brush, very hard and good to just rip the paint off right down to the bare metal. paint stipper leaves behind some paint and residue which you will have to clean anyway, but the wire brush just rips everything off even the surface rust, try it, you wont be disappointed. you can pick one up from any hardware store, $40 roughly. the bumper primer you may be able to pick up from a paint store, dunno bout the hardware store though?
Have fun anyway!! :P
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Post by gotrice? »

What about the front bumper isn't it rubber/plastic?
Wouldn't it tear away at the bumper?
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Re: Paint striper?

Post by tmz_99 »

gotrice? wrote: Whats a good paint striper i could use for this? that won't damage the bumper.
I try to paint them as true to life if I can. It IS important to start with a good example and get the flesh tones just right.. I suggest you practice with a pencil first before moving onto paint, remember, women are picky and may get angry if they don't like the way they look on canvas.. especially those feisty strippers..thats where watching your bumper becomes important..

As for finding the stipper, just go to a local club, be courteous, explain that you are only interested in paint stripper, not sex stripper or orgy stripper, offer a nice amount of money and you shouldn't have any problems :)
Last edited by tmz_99 on Sat Jul 09, 2005 3:12 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by Wraith »

I try to pain them as true to life if I can. It IS important to start with a good example and get the flesh tones just right.. I suggest you practice with a pencil first before moving onto paint.
ummm? i think we were just talking bout stripping the paint from the bonnet and bar? not airbrushing? :? i dunno im lost lolz :wtf:

What about the front bumper isn't it rubber/plastic?
Wouldn't it tear away at the bumper?
for this your better off sanding away with an orbital sander till you get the paint off or at least untill you hit the under coat, then just recoat, sand and paint. paint stripper will affect the bar, always, it will melt and bubble it, very nasty stuff :puke or you could try hand sanding the bar.
you could try asking your local paint shop for advice, they can tell you what you need to do and what you need to buy, im good with metal but dunno bout plastic? lolz :wink:
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and never forget "be courteous"!
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Post by gotrice? »

Super cheap autos?
Has anyone Bought a compressor from them? are they any good for painting?
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Post by flav »

Paint stripper is a messy waste of time. Buy a sander for about $20 and some decent sand paper. Finish it off with 600 wet and dry before you paint anything on it. Use flex primer for the bar before the top coat, and dont skimp on materials. Also wait about 15 minutes between coats or it will be a mess and u will need to start it all over.
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