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How to waste $22.79

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 3:26 pm
by jrod82
A fool and his money are easily parted. With this firmly in mind, I headed down to my local Warehouse to buy something I didn't need. I spotted a shelf of these puppies:


What caught my eye was the "chipstik" thing that came with it. It's essentially an expensive crayon - a stick of stuff that you fill scratches with. It looked perfect to use to fill in some of the nasty deep scratches on my bonnet from where stones have wasted it. I happily slapped down my money and skipped home to try it out.

I chose this wee fella (at the front of the bonnet if you care) to try it out on:


It was getting a little bit of rusty crap in there, so I cleaned that out first:


Then I scribbled the stick on the scratch, using all my might to fill the bastard up with the magic crayon. "Using gentle pressure, work the ChipStik across the scratch rather than in the direction of the scratch"


And then rubbed it off:


It's better than it was before, but still not great. The picture is kinda misleading - the spot is certainly silver now, but still noticable when you look closely.

Here's another one:

before Image

after Image

This gives a better example of how it looks when its done, but it's a bit annoying cos its blurry - probably because the camera is freaking out because there is nothing to focus on any more.

In conclusion, it's not as good as I had hoped it would be, but I have unrealistically high expectations for everything because I enjoy being disgruntled about this sort of thing. And the bottle of polish (the actual thing I was buying, the chipstik was like a bonus product) is pretty damn good on light scratches caused by bushes, sheep etc.

Thanks for listening. I hope it was better for you than it was for me.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 6:21 pm
by Junkers
Was that purely done with the chipstick?

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 6:29 pm
by jrod82
StazzyBabyYeah wrote:Was that purely done with the chipstick?
Nup, I used a rag to wipe the residual wax off.

Posted: Sat May 07, 2005 6:18 pm
haha good ol warehouse.

just go for the good ol bog !