in the first day I pulled all the cooler piping off and also pulled my cam cover off much to my dismay i found another issue...
Issue Description:
Noticed oil marks on the bell housing at the rear some time ago didn't think much of it at the time until today when i pulled the cam cover off i noticed that the D piece was missing from the back of the head, This explains a couple of things 1. why was my oil going down 2. why did my motor have an unusually tappy noise 3. crankcase smells coming from the engine bay.
First things first pulled the D piece off the spare motor and then used some loctite gasket sealant (blue) on the back of the freshly cleaned D piece and pushed it into the hole where it resides. Fixed.
Now my PCV will actually work and oil will stay where it is supposed to.
Now onto the fun stuff:
I resprayed the cam cover in a JUN like style from Black to Orange and Painted the Cam pulley cover with the same orange paint (all engine enamel) Then i got the hot side pipe of the intercooler piping and resprayed them in a high gloss black engine enamel, now i have some shiny ass pipes and shiny cover.
Pics Below:
To Be Continued..... (More Tomorrow)
In The Next Episode I am Talking Chamleon Red-Orange Flip Paint Job on the Cool Side Cooler Pipes :) and more things painted.
Cheers :)