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Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2004 12:17 pm
by tmz_99
Template as follows:

For sale:


Price and price conditions:

Extra Info (ie mods/history etc etc)

Contact Details:

(add your location here or your post will be DELETED!) <-- delete this line once your typed everything up!

Delivery & Conditions of Delivery:


Thread Topics: Threads to begin with WTB (want to buy) FS (for Sale) or EOI (expression of interest) followed by state or country if international (in [brackets]) ie:
FS: [NSW] Exhaust Manifold


EOI: [USA] Widebody Wheels

Keep Threads on Topic: It is a for sale section, off-topic posts will be deleted.

Highjacking: If someone posts something in for sale, don't go hijcaking the thread by saying you have the same item closer/cheaper then them.
Don't go complaining about the price because ur mothers-sisters-boyfriend can get them cheaper or whatever, even if it DOES seem like the item is a little overpriced. At the end of the day, it wouldn't be nice if it was done to you.
The old addage rings true "if you have something nice to say, tell everyone, if not, PM or shut up". :x

Please keep to these rules, failure to do so will result in your thread being modified / deleted.