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Mint 260z for sale in poland, i just had to share it

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 11:59 pm
by Johnyturbo
Yeahhh i know it’s not a mitsu bit it’s still pretty amazing, it’s been awhile since I have seen one in this kind of condition; only problem with buying something like this is it’s hard to put in your suitcase and bring home. ... 86427.html

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 1:27 am
by Justice
Take it from me. They are not that good. I had an imaculate 1971 240Z that I sold earlier this year.It was the lightwieght model which had thin body panels. It was OK for it's time.

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 8:33 am
by niss720
There pretty good for there time, rack and pinion steering and irs just some of the perks

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 9:09 am
by Justice
Yes you are right there, however, they had one fault and that is the rear suspension arm is the same part for the right hand side as the left. What they did to save money was simply turn the part upside down to fit the other side which made the wheel base different on each side which effected the handling and made the car crab down the road. That is how they came out of the factory. You can purschase a kit from the States that rectifies that. But to be fair, it was 1971. I did the rack up, motor, electric dissy, extractors , suspension and a copy of a Jap dual exhaust which came out the left hand rear side. My critiscism was if you were driving from Brisbane from Sydney, you would take my wife's Mazda 2 over the Z.

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 9:21 pm
by niss720
ah i see your point