82 JA for sale with 315,000km on the dial. Werribee area
As the km's imply this is a very used car.
Everything seems to work but the car is generally tired.
Engine starts and runs well, still makes over 0.5Kg of boost but leaks lots of oil
Gearbox OK except for a slow synchro into 3rd
Rear end fine - no noises
Body knocked about a bit but very little rust
Highlights are:
great sounding exhaust system - 2.5 inch
near new Yokohama A509's in 215/65R14
Make me an offer with no-reg or RWC, (car can be delivered in Melbourne)
Or it goes in the back shed and I'll part it out.
Contact me (Alan) at starion@people.net.au
82 JA For Sale
82 JA - Parting Out
Well it's now in the back shed and available for parts.
Anybody interested in anything drop me a mail.
Anybody interested in anything drop me a mail.
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