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why you chose Starion ?

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 4:36 am
by filiboy
I want opinions for that reason, I own a starion and I like it, but I wonder why you chose it? For instance you can buy 200sx or rx7 which are easier and cheaper to be tuned, where you can gain much more output than a starion with a solid tuning base ? :beer

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 6:29 am
by kiwieurospec
I bought a starion before we had easily available 180sx, silvias etc.
I'm glad I kept it while I went through the silvia thing. The problem with them is they are so common I've had the s14 for two years and s15 for 3. The main thing about them here is the non turbo ones, there are heaps of them probably 50 to every turbo model and they are cheap. So i just sold them when everyone could buy one.
Also a Silvia until S15 is like a rwd Primera, ugly in and out, actually I can't think of sports type car with such a bland interior, good boot though.
But there are no other rwd turbo 4cylinder cars to buy after the Starion so Silvia it is, still got a few round home (5) including one i've put a RB26dett in
but i only drive a Starion now and hardly ever see any1 else driving one.

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 7:32 am
by sanderman
In NZ cars are cheap and just about anyone can have a car with AWD and 200+kw. But I wanted something that was RWD fun to drive and just a bit different. I dont know why but the first thing that came to mind was a Starion. I looked on trade me and by the next morning I owned one. I didn't buy a Starion to be noticed but it sure gets a lot of comments and second looks from people. For its age it is a realy good handling car and if you want it can put out a respectable amount of usable power without a lot of cost. Performance Car did a quarter mile comparison a while ago on five rear wheel drive Jap cars putting out between 200 to 320 rwhp the nearly standard 200zx with 200 hp was the quickest down the strip.
You often see comments on trade me from people looking at Starions, saying they used to own one and the biggest regret they have was selling it. I now own two Starions and cant think of any other cars that I would rather have.

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 8:57 am
by kit
They have won more production races than the GTR Skyline they are an eighty's icon

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 9:16 am
by WidebodyWoody
First car was a starion partly because it was a turbo car. I also bought it because it was the bigger better version of the cordia which my dad was the first to drive in Aus. (Car salesman at the time for Mitsi). After that I fell in love with them, and bought a widebody :drool: Mainly because of well everything. You know how it is. I was a little off put by the whole everything keeps breaking thing, but I think that was only because that JA did over 300,000km's. It was getting tired

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 9:24 am
by Alspos
Quicker than my warmed over 1600 and came up at the right time for the right price.

Now the other ones....... :roll:

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 9:30 am
It came with the girlfriend/now wife.

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 9:38 am
by spud
I chose mine cause they are rare, factory turbo and I went in redzone's once a while back and it hammered. I also had a sigma with a big turbo a couple of years ago which started me on old mitsubishis.

Thats my story.... :o

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 10:13 am
by Glen GSR III
my uncle used to have a cordia, and raved on about how he loved it and how much fun he had in it.

The only thing that could have made it better he said was RWD...thats how i got my staz/s

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 11:20 am
by Darkelf
WANTSOM wrote:It came with the girlfriend/now wife.
LOL so BCFH is all Maries fault!!! I knew it. :)

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 1:24 pm
by Marc
I'm 24 years old. When i was in highschool.... year 8 or 9 i think ??? my auto shop teacher had one. i remember we had an assignment to sectionise a part of a car. my teacher brought in his ceased turbo from his starion which he had sectionised and explained how a turbocharger works. fell in love with them from then.

also my best mate owned a cordia which i drove around for 3 months while he was overseas... and i loved them as well but wished it was rwd.

finally decided to start looking for one and i got lucky with one that was in pretty good condition at a great price.

i love the look of starions.... kinda like a camaro/delorian/rx7

its a rare car and i love when somebody says what kind of car is that???


Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 1:53 pm
by Starion_Turbo
5 years ago

When I was 15 I got a 3 second glance at a red car like I had never seen before in a car lot as we passed it on the highway, mum wasnt up for turning around for a better look, so I pestered dad until he agreed to drive me there for a better look.

The place was closed but I took photos. It had, bonnet scoop, popup lights, 2 door, awsome styling, everything I loved and stickers that said turbo (I was clueless to what a turbo was at this stage) I was captivated but neither of us had a clue what it was called as the sales sheet was out of readable range.

Took me a few days to find it by searching under mitsubishi cars, but I knew I had to have one, so despite being 15, dad and I went to look at some with my uncle.
After about a week I came home from school and was handed a page containing a recipt for 1 white JA starion, I was never more shocked in my life.
Course I had to wait 7 months for my L's to even drive it :( that was a killer

But hey, even today i've never wanted another car, the gemini don't count, I just couldnt pass up a whole car for $100.


Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 3:53 pm
by silo
I must have been about 16 when i first saw cannonball run, And loved the Stazz over every other car on the movie. Took a while to track one down and wouldn't part with it for anything :wink:

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 4:03 pm
by Junkers
I've always loved RWD low slung 2 door sports coupes with there awkward character. I won't bore you with pages of detail but starions fit into that genre perfectly.
The engines are simple yet powerful, there light, they have good handling, there original, they have a good reputation and are a appreciating classic. Those are the facts.
I sold a mk3 capri when I was younger and despite the text book list of problems it had I regret selling it to this day. I'd feel the same if I did the same with a starion. They truly are a cult car.