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WHO is your I.S.P

Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 1:10 am
by flav
I desperately need a kick ass cheap cable ISP. I have been saying this for so long but now im fed up with this bullshit dial up which is like a fukt datsun 120Y.
Help me decide who is best and cheapest...i dont care if i need to bundle it either. Just let me know who is best and cheapest so i can serve you all quicker and i can get to bed at a decent hour.


Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 1:41 am
I'm on Bigpond Dial up Flav....It does the job for me...

Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 1:47 am
by flav
Why are u still up.......and why does the thread say 11:41 when its 1:43am?

Im not sure about the cost of Bigpond..i hear its expensive.

Perhaps we should all quote the price per month and D/L size you get for that price.

Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 1:52 am
The time says 1:47am for me....Both on the computer, and the forum.

Cost is $28.95/month, for unlimited hours, and unlimited downloads

Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 8:14 am
by tmz_99
I'm with Amnet on their ADSL 2 plan.... not sure if it's avaiable in your area... was with dodo before tho, good company to be with as long as you don't want tecnical help (they take HOURS to reply)... or wait and see what happens with iinet.

Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 8:56 am
by Chris 83JA
look here, mr. flav:

it lists prices of most broadband providers in aus.

I am using internode myself, speed and price are good, they are a bit slow on support though (I never use it, so I don't care)

Posted: Sun May 21, 2006 6:04 pm
by TD05
IInet, $59,95 /month. 1.5Mbit sometimes faster... cheaper if you get the phone on with them...

Posted: Sun May 21, 2006 10:07 pm
by digitalsko
im with internode adsl with 20gb download. ive just gone over by like 3gb and they havnt slowed me down yet which is good. :D anyway....
Stay away from bigpond as after 10gb u will be slowed to dialup speeds and if u need to call tech support ull be waiting all week.
check out the whirlpool site, loads of info and coz ur in melb u got more isp's than here on the goldcoast. but yeah stay away from bigpond adsl.
cable i wouldnt mind tho coz it is a bit quicker in downloads than adsl. unless u are in an adsl2+ area then go for that.

Posted: Sun May 21, 2006 10:17 pm
by fr335tyl3r
Big props to iinet or internode adsl. Get adsl2+ if it is available in your area as then it is internode/iinet that controls the exchange point and things get pushed through faster (as its not held back by the slack optus/telstra techos when something goes wrong at the exchange).

I am on the 40gb internode plan and regularly blow through the cap, the good thing about internode compared to others is traffic shaping, if you download heaps they don't just slap you with a hard and fast speed cap like some ISPs do (such as optus), they will gradually slow you down the more you go over the limit. And of course there are no excess download costs which is good (got stung in the early days of telstra cable when they only had a 100mb plan :D haha).

Several of my IT friends are on iinet and all report good things about it, and I have optus cable at the parents house and once it is setup (usually have to go through a painful rigmarole of the techs coming out to setup the coax cable in your house - which is technically a simple task) optus is really good. No significant downtime on any of the services I have listed, but its more to do with what is available where you are and what your requirements are too :)

Hope that helps

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 12:13 am
by flav
Thanks heaps guys.... so is adsl2 quicker than cable?

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 6:55 am
by iXNAY
flav wrote:Thanks heaps guys.... so is adsl2 quicker than cable?
yes adsl 2+ is the fastest you can get to your house in australia!

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 7:20 am
by Powerslave
Hey Flav , try visiting , it's the easiest way to find a decent plan that suits your needs. :beer

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 7:29 pm
by TD05
in a perfect ADSL world it would be pretty fast, but most people can only have 1.5Mbit as ADSL2 is not widely available yet, cable is still a better performer overall mostly between 3Mbit ~ 5 Mbit on average in Aus, but theoretically can go up to 30Mbit, however the downside is that cable slows down as more users are connected to the pipe at any given time...

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 11:41 pm
by decoy
internode adsl2 here as well, good shizzle

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 11:13 am
I'm with Exetel.

512k/128k It's as fast as I need it...

6Gb $35 / month