The motor Industry

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The motor Industry

Post by WANTSOM »

I have now had a gutful of some of these so called industry 'professionals.'

In the past 18 months I have been nothing but dicked around by the motor repair industry. They are collectively the biggest pack of cvnts I have ever come across.

I have never so consistently come across a bunch of dopey morons in all my life. These are so called top league players and charge accoringly yet they couldnt organise the proverbial friggin piss up in a pub. They are unorganised, uneducated, lacking in any form of business acumen other than a keen and highly trained ability to stick their hand in your wallet and extract more than they deserve. They all major in "Bullshit excuses 101" and pass with flying colours each and every one of them.

The only exception where the person involved shows an degree of ethics and "care factor" is Flav. The rest are just a bunch of fvckwits!!!

If you want the names pm and I will give them all a fvcking free advert!!! :twisted:
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Post by nashstyle »

Please post corresponding example to above post.
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Post by WANTSOM »

Well in but one example from just today -

They can learn that the words - "be ready by Friday aftenoon" actually makes a clear implication you can pick the bloody thing up on 'Friday afternoon'. You make arrangements for transport, being dropped off at work, extra time to get there etc etc and then get told it wont be ready and "is Monday OK?". The point being they knew there was a problem yesterday, they have my business card with phone. fax and email. Do they ring and advise me. No - I ring them this morning to ask how its coming along and what time they close so I wont keep them waiting and cop the "I've had problems with another car (that wasnt there when mine got taken in btw) and yours has been held up.

Want another one - OK

Track car goes in 3 weeks ago for a final tune and sort. There's a problem with the ignition. "Leave it with me and I'll look at tommorrow and get it sorted". 3 weeks later after not being able to reach the guy - or get any sort of reasonable response I ring the shop owner I am told nothing has been done (well no shit sherlock) and what is really going on is the 2 of them involved are having an inhouse game of "fvckyouover" and my car is the pawn.

Motor trade terminology --

"ready tonight" - yeah right
A couple days = 1 week
"1-2 weeks tops" = allow 2 months
"wont be problem" - once I find out what to do I'll have a crack at it
"let us know if there is a problem" = so I can have my excuses ready by the time you get here.
"how much were you budgeting for" = what extra margin will I build in.
"I'll call you back" = go away
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Post by nashstyle »

Ah yes, its as though I have been to the same mechanic. My old mechanic was MAD, what he says, goes. The guy that took over his business is an arse head. I take my car there to get the clutch done, I had done half the job (i.e pulled the gearbox out) but couldnt get it finished so I took it to him.
So when will it be ready? "You can pick it up on Monday"
So I arrange to get off work early etc etc. Turn up at the workshop.
"Nah sorry mate, had a busy day, come back tomorrow".
So tomorrow I ring him up and make sure the car will be ready, he says he hasnt started it but it will be done by 5:00 and I can come get it. I get a call from him at 4:30 to tell me that it needs a new slave cylinder kit. Anyway, I finally picked the car up Wednesday and it costed $400 for him to put a new clutch on, refit the GB and a slave seal kit :glare:
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Post by toysrus »

I believe people show be accountable for their actions publicly otherwise they will never learn...........

/ Interpretation of above: I want to see names.... :twisted:

If they know about the Forum, then best wait till they finish the job and your car is out of there :wink:
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Post by Alspos »

*Puts on official cap*

Now before people start naming names, please be aware that there are slander laws and (from what I have heard) internet forums are not immune from legal actions. If you wish for further information, please use PM's. By all means, slag off your local mechanic/panel beater/witch doctor or pass on experiences or traps you may have encountered but please keep it anonymous.

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Post by nashstyle »

I liek to flutter.
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Post by WANTSOM »

Al and the Moderators,

I assure you I am taking great care in not slandering people. I have no intention of putting me or any user here at the risk of one of these bodgy dopes getting the opportunity to be paid damages or something when they are the ones who screw up and mes you around in the first place.

If people care to pm or email me I will give some advertising for the culprits.
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Post by avandulls_gal »

All the more reason to spread the word about the GOOD guys (yes, there are some out there). If we support those people by taking our business there and spreading the word around, hopefullly the bastards will cotton on. Unfortunately not all people are car-savvy enough to realise they are being bullshitted so they just accept it.

Check out it's a great site for dobbing-in dodgy dealers - and also letting people know about the good guys.

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Post by toysrus »

Slander applies to when the things said are not true.......
Computer games don't affect kids I mean if PacMan affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music :D
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Post by WANTSOM »

Just to clarify so as not to misinform people or for people to misinterpret where I am coming from. I am not saying ALL people in the industry are bad.

There are some good and some also very good people out there who do the right thing.

It's just in recent months I have come across more than my share of poor performers, most notably today and yesterday to rile me to the point of my rant.

I have taken the issues up directly with the people I have been messed around by (as is the right way) and they display a general lack of concern of the grief they cause.
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Post by Glenjo »

WANTSOM wrote:I am not saying ALL people in the industry are bad.
WANTSOM wrote:They all major in "Bullshit excuses 101" and pass with flying colours each and every one of them.

The only exception where the person involved shows an degree of ethics and "care factor" is Flav. The rest are just a bunch of fvckwits!!!
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Post by coop1er »

I can sympathize with a lot of what has been said here. I too have had
bad experiences with builders, plumbers and other tradesmen. But I also
work in the motor vehicle repair industry and can see both sides of the

For a lot of places, the individual customer is not their most important
client, and therefore they dont get top priority. There often is and
always has been a lot of trouble with parts. Getting the right part
and on time isnt always going to happen. Large places can have dozens
of different jobs going on at the same time so it is difficult to get that
personalized service that customers enjoy. Nowadays with labour rates
getting up to near $100 an hour (inc gst), it doesnt take long for bills to
mount up. A common problem seems to be a lack of communication from
the repairer and for that they deserve to be criticised. But some
customers are pricks to deal with and who could blame someone for not
wanting to talk with them. People in the vehicle repair industry are human
and make mistakes like everyone so you are not always going to get
everything going according to plan.

Like someone said earlier, recommend places that have given you good
service which will reward them for providing that service.
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Post by Junkers »

I think most people have bad experiences, I know I have. I have had some real problems with my local panel beater, he has had a door of myne for 2 months now! I don't mind things taking a while but I HATE when I get false quotes "it'll be ready on wensday" when it's not even started by then.
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Post by avandulls_gal »

I really don't mind if it takes longer than first anticipated (avandull was a tv repairer for ages, I know that you really don't know how long it's going to take until you take the bloody thing apart and find the gazillion things that need replacing).

What I don't like is when people (from any industry) just talk crap when they don't know the answer. It's so much more simple and honest to say "look, sorry but I haven't had a chance to look at it yet" than to make up, "well, yeah, I uh, think there's a problem in the carbie" only to find out later it wasn't at all.

Honesty and up-frontedness gets my vote every time.

(replace (at) with @, just avoiding spam)

WIFE: noun: 1) pit-crew at race days 2) emergency pick up and tow service 3) shoulder to cry on after VERY unsuccessful race days
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