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fuck the SA police

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 10:47 pm
by Chryzla
i got busted speeding the other day, $238 its bullshit. that much for doing 16k over the limit? bullshit to that i say!

i better get some of my moneys worth asking for the actual photo :P

i hate the police now!

some people recon they will wanna take my licence off me, i dunno. i think its just all bullshit and they can go get fucked.

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 11:10 pm
by DD Phil
They're not all bad.

I went past an un-marked Falcon recently, doing 190 (how stupid not to see it!), when they finally caught up he asked "how fast were you going?" I replied (sheepishly) "about 140", you can imagine my happiness when he replied "close enough".

$250 and 4 points vs instant loss of license for 6 months.

Or better still, I got RBT'ed at 0.074 last Father's day, the Policeman said park the car and call a taxi, what a bloody legend.

Fortunately not all the Police are complete bastards.


Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 11:33 pm
by fr335tyl3r
yeh same as my night he got picked up by an rbt (me and him were in seperate cars, he was drinking i wasnt) on the way home from a family thing...cop told him to pull over and sleep it off.

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 6:52 pm
by decoy
next time i go thru an RBT i'm gonna get a bottle of tequila out the back and take some big mouthfuls... cheaper then getting defected... again...

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 7:05 pm
by Camotec
As far as I am concerned, it your own fault if ya speed and get caught, not to sound like a prick but everyone seems to complain for getting fined and when they speed, simple, don't speed. I like to fang the car too, and i get caught occasionally, but i am not going to say the cops are dickheads for catching me in the act, thats their job. the only person you should be pissed off at is yourself. I am a really nice guy though hehe :P

I like friendly cops. :D


Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 8:29 pm
by CussCuss
i used to say that too ben, but i came to realise that its not neccesarily the case. By all means you shouldnt speed around schools and in surburban areas in the afternoons and if you do you deserve all you get.
But things like going 130 on the expressway in the middle of the night could automatically suspend your license wich is a crock of shit.
Clearly as more and more people are getting caught this isnt the way to reduce the road toll, it simply doesnt work, but its a huge cash cow so the goevernment will keep on going the way it is.

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 9:29 pm
by StarionBoy
well u know the speed limit, if u go over you know your breaking the law so u know you can get fined.. get over it.. that said, if i get a fine i will probably complain too

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 9:36 pm
by Camotec
I didn't say that some fines for speeding weren't unfair, i said that whinging about someone doing their job is silly, cause your in the wrong and they set these rules for everyone. if you dun follow the rules dun complain if ya get caught.


Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 2:28 am
by decoy
tis a pretty high price to pay... considering we have 50kmph sections now... and if you think its still a 60, and your going 66, thats 238 out of pocket... they even sit just after 50 signs and get you if your not going 60 by the time you hit the sign. but my discontent with them is that i do the right thing, pass the breathos but becaue i'm a young guy with a turbo, they open my buttocks up and crawl in for a jump around.

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 7:48 am
by Camotec
hehe, man there isn't anyone that hasn't crawled up your butt for a jump around hehe.... well... except for me hehe.
But i know there are silly things you get done for but, thems the brakes nothing we can do about them.

I remember last time i got nabbed for doing 120k's in a 100 zone and the rest of the trip home was at 100k's and i was kicking myself (mind you lucky they only got me at 20k's over :D


Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 1:29 pm
by tmz_99
hmmm, yup, certainly if u speed and u get done its your fault but there are some things you can do to minimise your chances of getting caught.
1.) watch the road ahead of you, watch how other road users are driving, chances are if they see a cop 500m up the road hiding in the bushes, you will see a whole lot of ppl breaking for a small amount of time.
2.) Use a radar detector (I know theyre illegal everywhere except here)
3.) Take off the plates on the font of your car (Ive had mine off for serveral months now, the fine for not having plates is $50 and 0 points, you have no idea how many cameras I have driven through.. i suggest keeping the ones on the back on, you dont look so much like a stolen car).
4.) complain about speed limits to your local politician.
5.) when you DO get pulled over, dont offer the cops stick, record them with a video camera if you can tho, makes them act even nicer...

theres probably more Ive missed, but basic idea is you CAN speed if minimise your cances of getting done.

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 6:57 pm
Go faster!!

It probably wont cost that much more in fines and you will at least be better able to justify the fine :D

A little story - I got done coming back from QLD a few years ago just north of Coffs Harbour. I was doing 140-150 through some nice stretches and bends south of Grafton. Got done doing 120 coming into some pissy little town. (I was slowing at the time, just not soon enough.)

The policegentleman booked me for 114 (less points and dollars). It was well worth it - great bit of road and great fun.

Oh and my wife (of that time) was asleep in the passenger seat the whole time. She didnt believe the ticket in the glovebox, said "but you havent sped thw whole trip" rofl

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 12:31 am
by Barney
$238 for 16k over, thats FUCKED :o

I got done for 18k over and the fine was $100 and no demerits.


Re: fuck the SA police

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 4:49 pm
by LxS
Gutter_Rat wrote:they can go get fucked.
rofl I agree! I lost 5 points in one day, where have all the nice cops gone!?!?

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 5:08 pm
by fr335tyl3r
ouch wat did u lose 5 pts for alexis?