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Road Worthy?

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 11:26 am
by WidebodyWoody
Hey guys

I need to get a cheap dodgy road worthy in QLD just to transfer a car from one family name to another. Pretty stupid requiring it if you ask me, but still, the cheaper the better. If you know anyone who can do it for me, that would be awesome thanks.

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 12:15 pm
by panda
I'm amazed at the difference in the rules & regulations from state to state in Australia.
The eastern states seem to be over-regulated, whereas the central & western states are a lot more lenient.
Woody, if you lived here in SA, you could do the transfer on-line, with a small transfer fee deducted from your credit card. Thats it, all finished, no inspections, no RWC's needed. The new ownership papers turn up in the mail a few days later.
Oh, and the other thing, we no longer have registration labels/stickers on our windscreens, but you do need to remember to renew it before expiry.