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Country/landscape/homes etc.

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 11:40 pm
by fugazi
I recalled a post about countryside/lanscapes when I was on the road to a customer this morning: ... 002#136002
WANTSOM wrote:...I love reading/seeing things from stateside especially with background shots showing a little of the country/landscape/homes etc. Gives us a bit of insight into your lifestyle and way of living which is edumacational and opens our eyes to different cultures.

Cheers mate :beer
So... here's a (mobilephone-) pic from around lunchtime today (-8ºC):
Started at 07:00 from home with -17ºC halfway!
Sunshine ALL day!

\\Magnus :beer

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 7:30 am
by Alspos
Wow. Dunno how you guys can live in so much snow. But it looks nice :)

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 11:06 am
by hoongirl
Never mind the snow... -17º!!!

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 11:39 am
Beautiful Magnus :beer

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 3:35 pm
by palmystar
It must be hard to get up in the morning with temperatures that low. It would be for me anyway. Lovely countryside. the snow must make for some fun driving.

Some pics taken from where i currently live.




Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 3:44 am
by fugazi
On a trip to Umeå this summer, I took som pic's!
Started of at 10pm from Stockholm.
Total of 750km...
This is at an old airstrip (Barkarby, nearby our home):
And some good music!

Mosquitos,fly's and bugs...
This was at a pitstop 1/4 way!

Approaching the Highcoast-bridge (2:45am)
Total lengt:1867m (span1210m)
Sunrise, time to put on the sunglases! (4:00am!)

Part 2 when/if I find the pic's!

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 10:04 am
by Sargeant_Khan
..I want to go to there

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 10:46 am
by Komeuppance
Awesome. I love to take sunset pics, I wonder where I saved all of them.

Let's see if these work:
Top of Seattle Space Needle

Falls at Silver Creek

Just outside my hometown

I didn't take the following pics, but I'll post them since I can't find my others.
Cruising to Vegas

Sunrise to Vegas

Leaving Nevada


Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 10:57 am
by Komeuppance
Hmmm, found a couple more...

Golden Gate

Golden Gate

Sunset in Manila... TONS of smog

Driving home one day, I spotted this car in my rear view closing in fast...


Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 5:55 pm
by thrash
it's funny, america actually has a lot of prime quality landscape, but when us outsiders think about it, mostly the thoughts are towards NY and LA.. skyscrapers, beaches and implants.. the closest we ever get to thinking about the landscape is the grand canyon..

and on that note, there isn't much scenery close to my place, but this is the view from one of my old workplaces.. apologies, it's a phone shot, so the quality doesn't do the scenery justice. you can't see the water sparkle the way it does when you're there on a sunny morning..


Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 8:38 pm
by Vulpes
-17 that global warmings a bitch aint it.

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 8:43 pm
by hoongirl
The beach near my house. Lovely.


Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 8:55 pm
by Vulpes
hoonie, thats whats Fugazi's place will look like next year when Julia Gillards climate change kicks in. Oh no actually it wont because whe will be introducing a carbon tax to fix the worlds temperature. Thanks god, i was really worried there for a moment.

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 9:12 pm
by fugazi
Vulpes wrote:-17 that global warmings a bitch aint it.
Yep! LOL
But... -17 is not realy that cold, well for november it is, but in late january or mid february it will go down a bit... say 10 more?

Actually this november has been the coldest since 1965!
Normal? Yes I would say so...
And the summer was realy warm... the reason for me to go erlier on this roadtrip to Umeå was the +36º (july 11)!!!
Vulpes wrote:hoonie, thats whats fugazi's place will look like next year when Julia Gillards climate change kicks in. Oh no actually it wont because whe will be introducing a carbon tax to fix the worlds temperature. Thanks god, i was really worried there for a moment.
I will post a pic of what MY place looks like in the summer.... when I find it! :D

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 9:44 pm
by thrash
Vulpes wrote:-17 that global warmings a bitch aint it.
the term 'global warming' is a bit decieving.. because only the parts closer to the equator get much warmer.. the areas close to the poles actually get much colder. They choose the term 'warming' because overall the average temperature of the world is theoretically meant to go up by a couple of degrees..

but the biggest and most problematic change isn't the global warming average temperature bit.. it's the fact that the extreme temperatures become much more common and also grow further apart.

And.. as far as Julia Gillard is concerned, Australia should be fairly worried, because in the worst case scenario, most of the world outside of the tropics will freeze up and remain in subzero temperatures throughout the year, and so most of Australia becomes unhospital.. unless of course you enjoy living in Antarctica or Alaska..

if you've ever admired the aquatic life off the coast of SA, then consider that all of these species will either die off or move far up north, because the current that carries warm water from northern Australia down to the south will no longer exist. The southern coast will become cold and you will get cold water fish and the like instead of the colourful variety that flourishes there now.

Mind you, however, the major debate is not whether global warming is happening or not - it's already here. The debate is more about whether we are causing it or if it's just a natural part of the Earth's changing climate - e.g. this century the world's average temperature is around the 12-13 degrees celcius mark. During the cretaceous period, it was more than double that, and before that it was even higher.. So, is this climb in temparature a natural phenomena or caused by our excessive consumption and polution? That's the debate..