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There, Their, They're - Bad Freakin Engrish

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 12:43 am
by thrash
Ok, schools must really have dropped the ball, because nobody freakin uses these words correctly anymore, and it pisses me off to no end.

There: used when you want to point to something - someTHING or someWHERE, never someone.
e.g. The box was right there; there has been a mistake; there is no problem; let's go over there.

Their: used instead of "his" or "her" when describing something that belongs to a group.
e.g. the Smiths have sold THEIR old car; John and Mary invited us to THEIR house; they lost THEIR way; they changed THEIR company name.
Too many people use "there" instead of "their" for this kind of sentence. WRONG. seriously.. you don't freakin live in india or china.. English is your primary/only language. Get your English right. And even if you do live in india or china.. it's a global world now.. so you have no excuse not to get it right. And don't call me racist. My parents from close to one of those countries to begin with.

They're: shortened version of "they are"
e.g. THEY'RE as rare as hens' teeth;
Too many people also use "there" instead for this one too.. farkkkkkkkkk!!!! :glare:

For the love of God, don't be lazy.. Use the correct one.

Why is this important? Because otherwise things can get very confusing, and just look plain freakin wrong. "They're going on their honeymoon" becomes "There going on there honeymoon".. wow..

Just think about how our much your kids rely on the internet these days (or will rely on the internet if you haven't got any yet). If you don't correct your ways, they won't have the chance to see the correct way, because everyone else on the internet is doing it wrong..

End rant

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 2:32 am
by Krorz
I agree completely. No one would pass any English exams here making mistakes like that. Of course it could be argued that this isn't an exam and we are not in school, but I think it is important to at least try to write properly.
This topic came up several times on other forums I frequent as well, here is one quote from the Live for Speed forum:
I don't mind regional spellings, the US removal of u's and use of z's instead of s'. Sometimes it makes sense. I don't even mind missing punctuation. It's bad grammar I have a problem with.

Their = belongs to them
There = not here
They're = they are

Were = used to be
Where = a location

Two = more than one, less than three
Too = as well as
To = not from

And don't even get me started on "should of" and "would of". F***ing motherf***ers. HAVE, bitches. It's HAVE! The folly of abbreviations, makes language lazy. Our long lost ancestors spent lifetimes creating the spoken and written word, this generation comes along and bastardises the whole thing.

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 5:04 am
by smodgee
yes i agree, i cant spell for s*%t , but using the right word in the right phrase makes less room for misinterpretation (thank god for spell check) :beer

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 6:10 am
Just had an EM from someone far far more educated than me who wrote that his car had a "leek " which is a vegetable I think he ment leak
The other common error I see is "duel" cab ute (pistols at 10 paces at dawn )instead of "dual"
Another forum's moderator posts to members useing bad grammar or text type spelling to spell correctly and use punctuation marks as well
Another one I see often is "teh" for the

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 8:26 am
by Alspos
OLD FART wrote:Just had an EM from someone far far more educated than me who wrote that his car had a "leek " which is a vegetable I think he ment leak
The other common error I see is "duel" cab ute (pistols at 10 paces at dawn )instead of "dual"
Another forum's moderator posts to members useing bad grammar or text type spelling to spell correctly and use punctuation marks as well
Another one I see often is "teh" for the
Yeah...and ment for meant LOL

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 9:57 am
Alspos wrote:
OLD FART wrote:Just had an EM from someone far far more educated than me who wrote that his car had a "leek " which is a vegetable I think he ment leak
The other common error I see is "duel" cab ute (pistols at 10 paces at dawn )instead of "dual"
Another forum's moderator posts to members useing bad grammar or text type spelling to spell correctly and use punctuation marks as well
Another one I see often is "teh" for the
Yeah...and ment for meant LOL
HA HA I threw that in to see if it was picked up by anyone on hear oops i mean here :D

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 11:43 am
by Johnyturbo
I Blame Jeff Kennet for destroying the education system while I was a kid, that and its easier than blaming myself lets face it, no one likes doing that! LOL

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 11:49 am
by WidebodyWoody
I was lucky to pass English. I actually got better results at Japanese then English. I was more of a math, sport and IT student. Figures.

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 2:43 pm
by crshbndct
Don't get me started on apostrophes....

also there is a business in whangarei which has "WEA"V GOT IT ALL!!" emblazoned across the roof.

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 3:56 pm
by fugazi
:oops: I know I'm a bad guy at spelling... don't blame me, please, I'm a Sweed! :beer

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 5:10 pm
by WidebodyWoody
Your still better then most of us rofl

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 9:57 pm
by Vulpes
I agree, i hate it when people dont use "too" and just use "to". Idiots.
I also hate it when people say "expresso" and lately kids are saying Volumptuous, like there's a bloody "m" in there ! My wife is a yank and they are by far the worst in the world for grammar. They say "the house need's cleaned" IT'S BLOODY PAST TENSE YOU IDIOTS IF YOU PUT ED ON THE END. Say it needs to BE cleaned.

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 12:42 am
by thrash
Another common one is lose vs loose.. if you've lost or misplaced something, it's lose. Loose is e.g. "my shoelaces are loose"; "she was wearing a very loose fitting gown"

I know that people like to use slang, even more so in the net with all the short cuts and stuff.. and a spelling mistake here and there is normal for the average person too.. but to destroy language for the sake of laziness is just not cool eh.


Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 1:53 am
by NachoMan
WidebodyWoody wrote:Your still better then most of us rofl
This is my least favourite.
Sorry to single you out Woody, but this use of your gives me the complete shits!

You're = you are
You're going to drive your car.
Your is ownership of something by you.

I'm on a few forums, and I really have to stop myself from telling everybody off for murdering the english language!

Ok, end of rant... :beer

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 5:38 am
Another one I hear quite often is "anythink" instead of anything
But we all need to remember that none of us are perfect and we all have our little foibles :)