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Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 10:21 pm
by WidebodyWoody
From what I have learnt Starions are an acquired taste. Sure you might have to always fix it, but any car with an age of close to this you will get the same thing.

Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 9:23 am
by lowlancer
I've been going through a similar stroy. The Celeste has been problem after problem and now I'm selling it cheap, no one wants to buy it! Crazy

Just got a 82 Sigma wagon, and it's great, bar a bit rough :x

Promise I won't modify it...probably

Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 12:12 pm
by nzgsr
i think that every time i look at my starion owend it a few years ago and it was mint with a few nice mods new mtr etc sold it to a mate of a mate who proceded to destroy it i bought it back last year for a 1/5 of what i paid sold it to him for now every thing needs fixing cleaning or relpaceing but i forget all that every time i drive it
get a comfy a-b car

Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 12:23 pm
by redzone
unfortunately a mistreated starion will never be as good as a well maintained one, no matter how much money u throw at it fixing everything, it'll NEVER be the same..

unfortunately thats something that most ppl on here have discovered..

spend 2 grand on a dunger and spend 8 to fix it up? or spend 6 grand on a good one and not worry bout anything other than what mods u plan next. hmmmmmm.... :beer

Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 12:44 pm
by JD_Stazza_Brendan
The same thing is starting to happen with older Nissan turbo cars of late 80's early 90's. Someone buys a cheap R32 or 180/silvia and think its a bargain then get problems with AFM, Coil packs, rooted turbos etc etc. Yet someone buys the same model car but 5-6k dearer and have no problems.

We may have next to no aftermarket but we have people who specialise in these cars and know how to fix them and make go much faster...

Best moment in the JD, Catching a lightly modded supra on a large sweeping corner and sticking on his arse right the way around.. Pulled up down the road, Supra driver " holy shit, that goes alright, whats done to it"
me "basicly stock"

Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 4:27 pm
by nzgsr
yeah its definitly worth spening the coin on a gd one thats what i did when i first bought it drove it every day for a year and had no problems at all

your right redzone it will never be the same but it was to sad seeing it sitting on blocks under a tree covered in overspray and full of dog hair dust and 20 litres of spilt paint in the back seat

Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 6:30 pm
by Chryzla
The issue with mine i its now at the stage i SHOULD have bought it at bar paint

It goes very well and is ready to start its path to becoming an OMG OMG starion... Its just hard for me to keep going having got this far and knowing whats left to do to it. Bare in mind that to get it to this stage has been a hard task and very long road, and yet i see so much left.

As for your opinions toysrus, good on you mate. hows your stock internal SOHC 63B with 24psi going? knob!

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 2:56 pm
i dont know bout the rest of you but i could not be happier with the 3.5k i handed over for the keys to my starion. Had one problem in the 2yrs+ ive had it as my only form of transport, which has included driving it from Doncaster/Heathmont to west Footscray 5 days a week for 8 months. Cracked a head gasket, probably due more to my incompetence then a fault of the car.
Other then that all ive had done to it is basic mods (till now got mpi setup going in). mates of mine have spent 3-10x the amount I have on my car, mines still as quick as most and more fun to drive then all of theirs, most of them agree with me on that too + it can be driven everyday.
End of the day it’s a car. Unless you buy an F40 or similar its going to drop in value. And if you use it its going to cost you money.
I love having things I want to do to it, for me it just means it could become an even better car then it already is.

Sorry for the rant.

Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 5:34 am
by Oscar-the-Grouch
Well I think I had the right idea but I am now realizing it was NOT the lifesaver but a weight belt to sink me further into the black hole.

Here's my Story...

Bought the Black 89 NEW in 88 for a whopping USD$23,000 + Tx and financing at end of loan came out to USD$28,000 ! :o

First 5 years NO problems then they started ! one after the other NON stop. I put up with them for over 10 years.

THEn I got fed up with it and...... well..... I bought ANOTHER one (Wite One) that was in better shape. Then drove that oen for some time with NO PROBLEMS. then I got used tot he trouble free drivign then one day it left me stranded due to an electronics issue (TPS and ISC Motor NEW now ) so I got pissed and bought the yellow one !

So you see the answer is when it breaks... BUY a new one and sink further into the hole. Now ALL 3 are runnign so if one breaks all I do is pick up the keys to one of the others!


Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 8:06 am
by kiwieurospec
Keep the Starion in the shed while you waste money on another car :wink:
When cars do everything right all the time they become boring.
I kept mine when i got an Evo cos a Starion then was worth nothing, glad I did to. Modern cars are just as expensive if not more expensive to work on/modify but way more expensive when something goes wrong.
So if you are tired of it all, get a Camry.