Ban them PLEASE !!

A place for general discussion. Catch up with mates, post pics, or if you just want to pick on e-thugs.
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Post by Cookiemonster »

Darkelf wrote:And my dream car a red 60s straight 12 convertable jag. The ones with the wire spoke wheels.
And neons.
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Post by StarionChef »

How about a 3 strikes and out you go policy? I know other fourums don't put up with these childish posts, maybe we need to go this way.

Kim, what about a v12 E type? I can just see you with your driving cap on, :)
Ford G6ET 458wkws
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Post by Jesusdroveawestfield »

I say why put up with childish behaviour at all ? This is supposed to be forum for Starion enthusiasts to share knowledge about their cars. Bishiboys was dragged down to such a rediculous level by people like gogto etc I say ban them and delete the posts by 4g63jet as soon as they are seen by a moderator. This is an excellent forum and I think you should endevour to keep it that way. As for freedom of speech I dont thinkk that really applies here. There are certain things I would not say in front of my mother or the president of the united states that is not censorship its just called courtesy and if the younger members cannot keep it on a civil level then I say get rid of them. I dont mean this as a threat at all because after all who would care ? allI am saying that if it not a forum for mature ( I mean minded not years ) enthusiasts then I say would not like to be a part of it any more. Comon mods what do you say ?
I wouldnt want to belong to any club that would have me as a member
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Post by Cookiemonster »

Deeks is the master of this domain.. it's upto to him to make a decision.
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Post by evogalant »

and he commands it with an iron..... spanner!?!
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Post by tmz_99 »

In an argument it's easy to assume that you're right and the other person is outrageous... sometimes rage makes us blind to others point of view.

However as has been said before, if something REALLY offends you, PM one of the mods rather then starting up ANOTHER topic which will doubtlessly develop into a rant with everyone taking sides.

Hence I decleare this topic locked.. if you wish to discuss the matter of jet further feel free to PM one of the mods and we will make the best decision based on avaiable evidence.

many thanks.

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