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Re: fuck the SA police

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 5:51 pm
by toysrus
LxS wrote:
Gutter_Rat wrote:they can go get fucked.
rofl I agree! I lost 5 points in one day, where have all the nice cops gone!?!?
I thought you could've talked your way out of it Lxs ? :shock:

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 8:55 pm
by LxS
speeding.. i was on the pacific hwy and a nasty country cop got me (3 points) then 20 mins later fixed speed camera (2 points)

haha i was on a roll!!

i have managed to talk my way out of every defect but speeding tickets.. mmm doesnt happen..

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 9:06 pm
by fr335tyl3r
lol as if u couldnt talk ure way out of one alexis ;) im suprised the cop still gave u 3 pts

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 9:15 pm
by evogalant
I took a drive upto Port Pirie and back on thursday (bout 3hrs north of adelaide) and i was doin between 120 and 130 most of the way when the speed limit is 110. Passed two cops on the way, was doin over 120 both times and nothin, they didn't give me second look.

Might have had something to do with the first cop being stuck in the middle of a truck, 4 cars and another truck at the back. I reackon they were all scared to overtake the truck in front of the cop LOL

And in more than two years of driving ive never been pulled over and never stopped at an rbt (have gone past them though) and for a majority of this time i have been driving turbo cars with exhausts and bovs. So i think it really has something to do with how you act on the road and just choosing the right times to give it a bit.

Although decoy just has hell bad luck :roll:

do not tell them the speed you where doing... if they ask

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 4:05 pm
by bigmoz
hey guys,
about june last year, a couple of weeks after i got my staz i thought i would give it a bit of a work out i was going down burke rd (just over the eastern freeway heading toward kew) where i thought i should put my foot down i got up to about 200 before i stoped looking at the speed'o because a blue and red flashy thingie caught my eye, yes it was a disco... joke it was officer fuckface. first thing i thought was "ok ok be good, dont ark-up when he comes to my window" as he stood there,
he said

"do you know what speed you where doing back there"
with a serious look i replied
"not to fast, about 80 i was only in second gear"

with a stunned look on his face he asked for my card and stuff... but today was the day i didnt have my wallet on me so i told him my name being the kind of lazy person i am i hadn't bothered doing the transfer papers yet aswell so when he came back he thought the car was stolen... i told him the hole story of how i had only bought i a couple of weeks ago then he said some thing about taking me off the road for illeagle mods something about the chocko wing on the back thats now been removed so anway when he came back to my car wwith the fines i got one for

- $105, no points back then not having my p's up on the back
- $ 50, no licence card on me at the time no points
- $200, 80km in a 60 zone 3 points... cause i was going to fast for him to get a lock on me with his radar gun thingie

the moral to the story- if i had have told him 60 i would not have got a speeding fine or any points

big moz :pimp

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 4:39 pm
by Chris 83JA
bigmoz - is/was yours a blue one with a big aluminium rear wing i've seen around bulleen road/e.fwy before? This would have been a year or so ago

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 9:22 pm
by dirty sanchez
I got done a few years ago doing 125km/h+ in a 60 area, 2 fail to indicates and a neg drive, $1600- 13 points. Yes I was annoyed, but I didn't bitch and winge as I did the crime. Cop said that he was trying to catch a commodore for speeding that I over took, he said that he was doing over 145km/h and I lost him. Unfortunately I didn't seem him and stopped at the grog shop and he saw me getting out of the car.

I still speed, but I am a lot more carefull now.

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 9:52 pm
by ProZac
I love these threads.

My count for being pulled over is now at 14. In 2.5 years. Everytime i've completly understood why i was being pulled over, im a young guy in a performance car. Only once I got a speeding ticket, because only once was i speeding, the other fine i recieved was for carrying passengers when i shouldn't have been. It's always fun to ask the officer why they pulled you over, the response i usually get it "lisence and rego check", but one honest officer said "because you fit a profile". Fair nuff, if it keeps some of the truely dangerous driver off the road.

The funniest time was when i wasen't in a starion, i was on my pushbike! I had my headphones on and up super loud, all i noticed was a car come up next to me and match my speed. I thoght it was just a couple of kids having fun, so i ignored it. After about a kilometer i looked over and got a shock! I was on my way home from work (yes, i bike to work, its better for me!) and it was darker then i expected so i didn't have my lights on me, heh, just told to ride the rest of the way on the footpath.

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 11:52 pm
by bigmoz
bigmoz - is/was yours a blue one with a big aluminium rear wing i've seen around bulleen road/e.fwy before? This would have been a year or so ago

yeah chris thas me

but i havent had the wing on scince summer cause some runt outside the portsea pub pulled it off when i was parked
"%^*$$&^&^% dick head"

big moz :pimp

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 7:47 pm
by TD05
Camotec wrote:As far as I am concerned, it your own fault if ya speed and get caught, not to sound like a prick but everyone seems to complain for getting fined and when they speed, simple, don't speed. I like to fang the car too, and i get caught occasionally, but i am not going to say the cops are dickheads for catching me in the act, thats their job. the only person you should be pissed off at is yourself. I am a really nice guy though hehe :P

I like friendly cops. :D

I kinda agree with Camotec here, keep your eyes peeled, you can spot them half the time the other half is down to luck... if you drink and drive you're a dickhead, i don't want you on the road either....

Re: do not tell them the speed you where doing... if they as

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 7:53 pm
by TD05
bigmoz wrote:hey guys,
about june last year, a couple of weeks after i got my staz i thought i would give it a bit of a work out i was going down burke rd (just over the eastern freeway heading toward kew) where i thought i should put my foot down i got up to about 200 before i stoped looking at the speed'o because a blue and red flashy thingie caught my eye, yes it was a disco... joke it was officer fuckface.

big moz :pimp
200 kh in a 60 K zone, you're lucky he didn't confiscate the stazz..... seriously man, that's crazy..

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 10:34 pm
by SCORP 1
No, not crazy... Stupid. :shock:

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 12:08 am
by kiwistar
Righti oh then, I cant stay hidden any longer.

If you commit an offence in front of a Police officer the dont be surprised to get a ticket.

There is no use bitching and moaning about someone doing their job, yes I realise that there are police officers out there with less than admirable attitudes and approaches, but like I said they are only doing their job.

It isnt the police officer who made you, now let me think of some examples, -do 160 in front of a marked patrol car- fail to indicate lane change in front of a marked patrol car - do a big driftee on a blind corner in front of a marked patrol car - and stacks more that i cant think of. It is the driver of the vehicle that makes the choice.

I know that Aussie cops can be quite hard at times but then again I only hear the bad stories. NZ cops are the same but think of it this way, you work in a retail store and someone asks you "cant you let me have this one for free sir", youre job is to sell the product not give it away.
A police officers job is to detect offences and deal with them. Maybe its a strange example but you get my point.

Think about youre own actions and what bought you to police attention before you complain about getting caught offending.

And no I am not defending bad police attitude, I am defending the fact that you were issued with a punishment.

By the way I am a Police officer in New Zealand. Oh and I have a starion too.

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 8:35 am
by Defective
kiwistar wrote:By the way I am a Police officer in New Zealand. Oh and I have a starion too.
doh, busted. Anyhting i have said on these forums about my driving was done under controlled conditions. of course. :D :D :D

but seriously, i agree with kiwistar, yep iv been pinged plenty oftimes for being an idiot but i dont complain about it cos i knew what i was doing was illegal.
The only times il bitch is if a cop is a complete asshole that dosnt know what hes doing. ie: the cop that tried doing my mate for sustained loss of traction. he drives a gt legacy ffs. since when could an auto 4wd break traction? let alone sustained loss of traction.....

goddamn 'scarface' is a prick...

Kiwistar, what sort of cop are you? Good to see at least one copper has good taste in cars....

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 9:15 am
by kiwistar
Defective quoted - "he drives a gt legacy ffs. since when could an auto 4wd break traction? let alone sustained loss of traction....."

Yes and a Subaru 4wd at best.

Although, a mate of mine did pull up to the lights yesterday to find a bighorm smoking it up (wonder if dad knew what sonny was up to with the family car).