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Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 11:46 am
by Sargeant_Khan
I'd have to say that a vet IS a rip off. A friend of mines dog broke a toe, 2.5 k later it had a cast on its leg. Then it broke a toe on the other foot and this time it was $900. Thats a big mark up to stay loyal. I think the general anatomy of most animals is very similar and as in most cases of employment alot of what you learn is from experience.

I know two vets and they both have said to me "If your dog gets sick or hurts itself, you have to draw the line at some point, because at the end of the day it will only live another 5 years anyway" Thats what they said when my friends dog broke its toe's. Pretty cold. I have medical insurance for my dogs incase of that kind of thing anyway, no medical insurance for me though lol.

What breed is your dog Woody?

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 9:51 am
by WidebodyWoody
The breed of our dog is Border Collie. And right now, our daughter LOVES her as well. It is so cool seeing how fascinating she is to her.

Yes I agree a line needs to be drawn at some point, but you can't just go and say, hell that's too expensive, just let her die. That is just un humane. But I guess some people can do those kinds of things easier then others. In the end, your right, it is only 5 years more, BUT at the same time, its only 5 more years of a costly burden, after that, your money will free up more, and you will not regret the money you spent because of the memories.

As for fugazi sorry to hear about your troubles mate. I hope all is looking up for you. I am glad your g/f or wife or whatever didn't decide to put you down :beer

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 9:58 pm
by fugazi
Better, thanks!
Looking back at the last post makes me realise I wasn't reading properley... :roll:

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 9:53 am
by 87_starion
Lunacy wrote: Im taking neighbours nephew to court over it now, so fingers crossed might get some back
Good luck!!! Wish it was legal to give Pitti's a damn good kicking!!!!
Horrible excuse for a dog

My olds have 4 border collies, awesome dogs but they cost a fortune

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 3:58 pm
by jwebb2876
Putting old/sick pets down costs me a .22 Hornet round, or a .30-06 if it's big enough (I've had to put down a mate's horse before). I get a few shocked looks when I say "shot him/her" in reply to the inevitable "what happened to such-and-such?" questions, but there's no point in getting ripped off by the vet when you have the means to give it a quick and humane death close handy.

Charlie the cat costs probably $20 a week to feed and goes outside to do his business, so litter isn't a problem