I just want to thank all the Canberra guys for coming to meet me at a BBQ i had on Saturday.
Dirty & Sanchez
Rassy - Tim & his Bro & his mate - A nice yellow Staz with an awesome front air dam from a wikid sports car the '85 Barina (Don't mock, it looks very stockish and gives great IC room).
After the BBQ the boys had to go, but i caught back up with Rassy later that night to go for a bit of a cruise. Although it was quiet I had a blast, first time to really get up the car with the new clutch and man i was impressed, the front wheels can remain still in a circle motion as the car is blindfolded and spun a few times before the boys could say "this is a good location for skids hehe"
Thanks Guys, I hope to check out some club days and events with yas.