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Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 7:42 pm
I know with the 8v motors the engine loom and the body loom are seperate....
Is it the same with the DASH powered cars???
Just thinking that when I get my a into g and get this twin cam head on i can rip the engine loom right out and sell it with the head and then get my mate to wire in a aftermarket ECU for me.
Is this possible??

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 8:13 pm
by AB
The DASH ECU and body looms are separate so it's entirely possible, as long as your mates good at wiring.
I just finished installing an aftermarket ECU and found it a lot easier to use the factory wiring rather than rerunning every wire. But your DASH head will be worth more if you sell it with the ECU and wiring loom so that might be the way to go in this case. If you do end up keeping the DASH bits I've got all the wiring diagrams if you ever need them.