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Identify the Doo-Dacky! (Fixed with RCA leads!)

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2004 6:27 pm
by SpidersWeb
I am sure, a power from above just wants me to die, then suddenly changes their mind.

During a boost guage install, I could smell gas. Some stupid plastic thing decided to break, causing a pipe to feed liquid fuel directly on to the COIL

Now I need a new doo-dacky, and I have no idea what it does.

Can somebody enlighten me?

Its a black plastic cylinder. One pipe out the side, one pipe goes in the end. This device is attached by a single 14mm bolt. It is mounted directly behind the coil.

If someone has a photo of a Sirius 8 valve engine bay, I can point it out.

Pretty sure it had two wires coming off it (I"m inside now).


Also wtf do I install the boost guage, I tried the third terminal on the ECI unit - no luck, can't find anywhere else without getting an adaptor and kinda borrowing the pressure from the wastegate actuator line.

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2004 6:37 pm
by Cam
For the boost guage put it on the same vac line as the standard one. it works well for the other thing i didnt even know that contained fuel.
Mine doesnt its just all vacuum lines attached to it.

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2004 6:51 pm
by SpidersWeb
well car wreaked of gas and it was the only broken thing I could find
I shoved it up my nose and smelt gas. *shrug*

Well I need a new one anyway.

Any idea what its called?

Plus my factory boost guage doesn't work, and have no idea where it plugs in.

If someone on here could send me a photograph of where they connected the boost guage line - that would be brilliant!

Its possibly it was a vacuum hose, and the gas I smelt was from the exhaust. But the air inside the pipe going to the doo-dacky definately had a gas odour, but not rich like a fuel tank, so dunno.

It would make sense, I was told the 3 lines off the ECI were all vacuum, but none seemed to give any reading at all, and I could hear the turbo spooling. Line didn't even move. Its a copper piping to a brand new boost guage.

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2004 6:58 pm
by SpidersWeb
Just realised something.

If vacuum pipe was broken
Then boost guage wont get any signal as it'll all go out that pipe. I might just block that pipe with some glue and see how it goes.

Car still ran without it.

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2004 7:03 pm
by decoy
my boost gauge is T'd off the vacuum line off the tb. you can see it under the 'I' in 'ECI'


the factory gauge is an elec signal sent from the MAP sensor on the drivers side firewall. there's a vac hose going there from the inlet manifold as well i think. bigger then the rest of the vacuum hoses i think.

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2004 7:08 pm
by SpidersWeb
Yep the line I was trying was under the 'I'
The line that was broken and led to no where was the one under the C.

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2004 7:50 pm
by ProZac
Is the vacum line on your map sensor connected? this could explain alot of problems if its not, including the factory boost gauge not working.

that thing you broke is a solenoid valve, and should definatly not have fuel in it..........

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2004 7:59 pm
by scum
you might find these "broken" vac lines will start to work under load, under engine breaking, at a certain altitude, at a certain temp. I might just be dribbling crap, as my engine never ran long enough to have any vac line probs. but my cordia had all that fang-dangle stuff. I think it was there so that when the little jap bloke drove from the ocean to his little Mr. miougi hut in the mountains the emission stuff and all that jazz kept working????????!!!!!!!!!!?????????? can anyone complete my ill-conceived and half-baked concept?

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2004 3:24 am
by SpidersWeb
Nice monkey.

All vacuum hoses are connected from the throttle body, minus the one running in to the solenoid valve (doo-dacky). If anyone knows that it does (as the car started up fine and boosted without it) that would be handy.

Now that I know those three exits are all vacuum only, I wont be so alarmed about working on it. My exhaust is pretty straight through, and I must of just been smelling the rich exhaust gas. I'm going to seal off the pipe going to the solenoid until I can find a new solenoid, and then try running the boost guage off the third nipple on the ECI unit.

Will see how that goes and get back to everyone.

Hooking up the boost guage before turbo swap, so I can see what the TC05 is up to. Once my gaskets show up though, TD05 bolts in with no changes, so need the guage then to see when its ported wastegate opens (hoping for about 10-11psi, dont want 12 just yet).

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2004 4:52 pm
by SpidersWeb
Woohoo, its alive

No idea what the doo-dacky solenoid does, but its no longer in operation. I took both the free lead, and the lead that was still on the solenoid and blocked them

The perfect blocker that looks colourful and works are RCA connectors (like on your TV, or VCR or PlayStation2). The pin on the plug snugly fits in, and the outside grip clamps it in place. Was perfect.

Then rigged the copper line to the spare teet on the ECI unit (under the I), wrestle with some grommets to get it through the firewall, then on to the guage.

And if anyone is interested, my stock standard Starion runs:

20InHg idle
25InHg engine braking
9psi perfect (no jitter etc) over ~4000rpm on wide open throttle.

During gear changes, there is no noticable lag, guage reads 9psi -> 20InHG -> 9psi. Go the TC05!!

Haven't tested to see what boost level fuel cut occurs on (I still get boost creep if I hold it in gear long enough).

Ah and the vacuum connectors to the map sensor are on there solidly, but looks like they are about to fall apart, no working factory boost guage, but car runs, and is very snappy.

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2004 9:44 pm
by Camotec
Did you say Third nipple??? Where? OMG!!!, where all gonna die!??!

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2004 6:33 am
by ProZac

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2004 9:49 am
by SpidersWeb
Who needs a girlfriend when your car has three nipples