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Power Window problem

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 2:51 pm
by Starion_Turbo
My power windows just stopped working yesterday , they wont go down or up and the switches dont stay down.

I thought maby a fuse had blown but I couldn't find one, I also measured 13 volts going into switches accross a blue and green wire so there shouldn't be a power problem.
I dismanteled the switches and cleaned the contacts but still nothing.
Strangley enough both of the switches have died at the same time maby a common problem, something that the two switches share??

Any suggestions ???

Cheers, This weathers heating up :(

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 6:23 pm
by hcca
20 year old wiring may be the cause - I've had two starions that have had wires physically burnt out of the window circuit so it's not an isolated problem.

I have just developed the same problem with my passenger window. I can measure voltage at the connection inside the door and the window still doesn't work.. it's because the wiring is too crap and old to hold enough current to move the motor.

Check if you have voltage in the door (you'll have to operate the switch at the same time)- if you do, run a new (thicker!) power wire into the door and hook it up with a relay into the existing connections. It also might be worth trying to connect a battery directly to the motor in case the motor is rooted.

I've had this problem with my starter motor too (fixed with relay).. next is the thermo fans and the horn :glare:

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 7:05 pm
by Starion_Turbo
hmm possibly, but wats still got me baffeld is that both windows stopped working at the same time.
I stopped for petrol, put up the windows then when done I tried to put them down and nothing happend.

strange huh, will have to pull off door trims tomorrow

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 7:36 pm
by Junkers
Where do the earth contacts leads too? and do they reduce into one line?

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 11:05 pm
by hcca
Ok.. check voltage at the switches. You should have a +12V and a ground for each switch (the contacts at either end of the switch).

If you've lost power to both windows, it's most likely to be a problem with either your +12V wire or the ground.

The two contacts in the centre of each switch are for the up and down movements so they should read 0V with the switch off and +12 when switched.

If everything is good there, check the connectors in the doors - put the +ve multimeter probe on the red wire and -ve probe on the green wire. It should read 0V and switch between +12V and -12V when the switch is used. If not, trace the wire back (use contact cleaner on the connections to see if that fixes it). Otherwise, try using relays :)

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2005 11:55 am
by Starion_Turbo
Opend up switches measured 12 v accross the unclosed contacts, when closed I only get 1.34 volts at the window motor terminals.

Something is sapping a good 11 volts out of the window system. I suspect is could be one of the chips or devices in the switch unit itself, will try a replacement unit on the cruize this sunday.

Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 8:27 pm
by Rola
Same thing just happened to me.. did you ever manage to get it working? what was the cause?

Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 10:49 pm
by Starion_Turbo
hehe, I never did figure out wat the problem was.

What I did was use an old cigarette lighter plug and wire it direct to the power window switches for a power source, ran that for about a fortnight and oneday I forgot to plug it into socket and the windows went up when I used the bottons, so they seem to have fixed themselves, No troubles since.

Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 11:48 pm
by bigd
I had a similar problem in that the passenger window wouldn't go up or down one day when I went out to the car. Checked fuses..blal bla bla the works and couldn't sort it. Lost my rag, slammed the door then went inside. Next day I came out and realised the LOCK button was down for the windows. Felt like a bloody idiot. End of story :oops: :oops:

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 12:01 pm
by Rola
bigd wrote:I had a similar problem in that the passenger window wouldn't go up or down one day when I went out to the car. Checked fuses..blal bla bla the works and couldn't sort it. Lost my rag, slammed the door then went inside. Next day I came out and realised the LOCK button was down for the windows. Felt like a bloody idiot. End of story :oops: :oops:
Where is this "lock" button? ive never seen it.

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 12:58 pm
by decoy
Only on later model stazs with the window controls on the doors instead of centre console

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 5:07 pm
by Rola
Strange very strange, my windows just started working today for some unknown reason... bloody starions, mitsubishi must have gotten several clowns to design them.

Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 12:34 am
by Starion_Turbo
If u find a power-window button dosn't work, for example u put it down but it wont go up, just give the pannel a good rap with ur knuckles, that usually does the trick, especially if the button has been stuck down for a while and dosn't work afterwards.

Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 9:47 pm
by decoy
Starion_Turbo wrote:especially if the button has been stuck down for a while and dosn't work afterwards.
I've had this happen on a hot day once... Window didn't work for about 30 seconds until after i reset the switch back to normal

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 9:52 pm
by Rola
Hmmm, started happening again, im gonna take apart the center console and have a look at the switches, hopefully there is just a contact issue there and the wire going to the windows hasnt given up.