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Vacuum hose line

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 6:53 am
by gentleman
Hi guys, does anybody knows where can i get or view (in Jpg or Pdf format) for a complete vacuum hose line for Sirius Dash Turbo Engne? Thanks in advance.

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 2:09 pm
by limau
try this link ...

or i'll try to find it somewhere in my pc tonight..remember seing this diagram before

p/s : kao malaysia kat mana?

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 10:32 pm
by gentleman
Errr.....i've tried to download it, but it's a corrupt file. It said something like "i can't be decrypted" .....hmmmm :x

p/s: aku kat Ampang. Ko dok mana?

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2004 11:42 am
by limau
u must use adobe acrobat 6 to open the files...

p/s: aku kat klang....kao pakai lancer a174 ke?

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2004 8:46 pm
by gentleman
Oh...ok, no wonder i can't open it.

p/s : Yups, aku pakai Lancer A174. Ko pakai kete apa? Orang banyak cakap Kelang banyak barang kete murah2, kat belah mana huh? Bole jumpa ko kalau aku ke sana. Skarang kete aku masuk bengkel... :x

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2004 9:09 pm
by limau
yeahh must use acrobat 6 if not for sure can't.

p/s: aku pakai lancer a174 gak.murah le sikit banding ngan tempat lain.barang lancer jgn harap leee.. tapi kalo engine kosong ,gearbox atas tanah ade la 2 3 bijik kat satu kedai tu. dash pun ade.boleh tarahall.. call jee aku 017-3196411.wooo.. ape problem keta kao?

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 1:15 am
by gentleman
damn! Adobe acrobat 6 is 15mb??I need to buy another hardisk....

aku punya pam minyak hitam tak jalan, aku tengok oil pressure ok... tetiba enjin mati, terus engine aku 'kong' start pun tak bole. AKu rasa crankshaft dah gone :x . Cadang nak last aku angkat enjin kosong dash kat cheras Rm1200 (harga ok ker?). Limau... file pdf yang ko kasi tuh, article dia memang sama ngan enjin Dash ker? Aku baru nak berjinak dengan enjin nie......banyak bende aku nak tanya ko :D
Bebila aku free aku call ko. Tq so much!!! rofl rofl rofl

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 11:49 am
by limau
buy another hdisk.. tak dapet laa nak menolong hehehhe.

wooo..kao jgn pecaya sgt meter original oil press tu.. senang rosak.. dia punye sensor kat oil pump tu mesti kemek masa kao beli halfcut engine tu dulu sbb engine tu kedai pomen letak atas tanah/simen sebelum pasang..aku punye pun melompat lompat dari kiri ke kanan....
apaaaaa?? kao beli engine dash kosong rm1200?????(jeng jeng jeng) kat klang engine tu boleh dapat rm600 jee.. kalo ade distributor kat engine tu kao simpan.. sbb distributor tu boleh pakai utk mortec atau haltec punya ecu..pdf. aku bagi kao ari tu tuk engine sirus....cuba kao tanya forumer kat sini..aku rasa dulu ade dia org linkkan service manual tuk dash.
kao convert sendiri lancer tu ke kao beli dari org? bolehh..aku pun bukannya tau semua pasai lancer ni...kao duk ampang tak join PEmilance ke?

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 3:24 pm
by decoy
tak kao dia punye yang ko satu kedai bagi sini. :D

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 4:40 pm
by limau
heheheh kedai ape yg kao nak tu decoy? aku kedai mesin kuda ade laaa hehehhee :D

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2004 8:43 pm
by gentleman
Wahhhhhhhhhhhh RM600? rm600 untuk engine DASH kosong? yang aku tau rm600 untuk engine 2000cc tanpa DASH .....isk..isk...isk hmmmm nak buat apa. At least aku dah ada pengalaman-(mahal punya pengalaman) Since aku dah beli dah nak buat apa kan? Pakai je la. Aku beli kete nie dari orang Pemilanc jugak. Beli kat kat sana, rosak kat sana......ntah la, aku rasa aku kena mandi bunga la :D . Tension nyer! Dah la beli.....rosak....pas tu kena repair......pas tu dah sebulan aku kena tunggu.
Baik aku beli enjin RB20 jer kan...hehehee :D

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 1:56 am
by decoy
limau wrote:heheheh kedai ape yg kao nak tu decoy? aku kedai mesin kuda ade laaa hehehhee :D
if you asked if i copied and pasted random words from your posts together... yes :D what does it say? anything cool?

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 11:21 am
by limau
gentleman wrote:Wahhhhhhhhhhhh RM600? rm600 untuk engine DASH kosong? yang aku tau rm600 untuk engine 2000cc tanpa DASH .....isk..isk...isk hmmmm nak buat apa. At least aku dah ada pengalaman-(mahal punya pengalaman) Since aku dah beli dah nak buat apa kan? Pakai je la. Aku beli kete nie dari orang Pemilanc jugak. Beli kat kat sana, rosak kat sana......ntah la, aku rasa aku kena mandi bunga la :D . Tension nyer! Dah la beli.....rosak....pas tu kena repair......pas tu dah sebulan aku kena tunggu.
Baik aku beli enjin RB20 jer kan...hehehee :D

ha-ahh ade 2 kedai kat klang yg ada engine kosong dash ni.biasa laa memang jadik cam ni laa.. bila dah beli baruuuu ade yg murah..heheheh.nape kao pakai dash? tak pakai je sirus tu?..hehe biasa laa sabooo.. aku dari tawun 1998 buat keta niii... tawun 2002 baru laa complete semua barang tak temasuk yg kena curik lagik (lining intercooler turbo kat pintu tu,emblem.)

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 11:33 am
by limau
decoy wrote:
limau wrote:heheheh kedai ape yg kao nak tu decoy? aku kedai mesin kuda ade laaa hehehhee :D
if you asked if i copied and pasted random words from your posts together... yes :D what does it say? anything cool?

ettu asafara I WaEfdAdR SfKaInnuuuRT Sooosh. AdNu Daanga PoIrrC KUuud PanGa UbbY eSsa.

"tak kao dia punye yang ko satu kedai bagi sini. "

from what u wrote here is "if i got a shop please give it all to you" hehehe.

actually it's a malay word but not a proper one.just the one that we all used daily.

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 11:52 am
by tmz_99
[quote="limau"] "tak kao dia punye yang ko satu kedai bagi sini. "

from what u wrote here is "if i got a shop please give it all to you" hehehe.

rofl rofl rofl
another classic austarion moment!! :D