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Idling lean boosting rich

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 4:42 pm
by Bazza
Hi guys.

I have just got my JB back together after replacing the head gasket, valve stem seals, regrownd valves etc. and a good clean up. (the piston rings seemed fine)

It seems to be running a bit lean at idle (especialy when cold) and a bit rich on full boost.

Any ideas? :?

oh, I have tried to check the AFM as best I could and there doesn't appear to be any vac line leaks. Is there a machanical air/fuel ajustment that can be made or is it determind by sensor readings suggesting one of them is reading badly?

:) :)

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 8:50 am
by Powerslave
You can adjust (to a small extent) the idle mixture on the throttle body by turning the pot marked R<=>L. If it's running rich under boost , you should check 2 things. Coolant temperature sensor and your boost sensor. These together with the vortex sensor in the airbox determine the injector duty cycle under different conditions. Sorry it's not too specific , but those are the things that I would be checking.


Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 11:29 am
by Chris 83JA
Dave Kitsons site has good info about rebuilding your map sensor:

just take the o-rings down to any bearing/oil-seal joint and they'll be able to match you up with new ones that fit.

Mine was running pretty rich, so i gave the map a rebuild, which has improved things (and the boost guage works better now), but I still have a few other problems.