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Siezed handbrake cable

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 12:25 pm
by mizuno man
I have a siezed handbrake cable does anyone know if these are recoverable once they are siezed. Currently usign some WD-40 but no luck at this stage.

If not does anyone have one that they are willing to let go ?

Or can you get these re- made, if so where would I need to go.

seized hand brake cable

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 4:03 pm
by bretts JA
Thats what was wrong with mine my mechanic tried to spray all sorts down there with no luck. so he got another made up so some one does it.he's not home at the moment but will find out for you asap were he got it done will try again tommorow. :) :beer