Velnas unit wiring

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Velnas unit wiring

Post by ProZac »

Put this info together for a member on the StarQuestClub forums, thought it'd be nice to have here too.



Unfortunately the previous owner of this unit didn't like the japanese writing, so has (really roughly) painted over it . The one fitted to my car looks like:




The fuel usage signal is taken from tapping into the number two injector wire, on the ECU (ground switching) side.
The speed signal is taken from a speedo sensor in the back of the instrument cluster. It should be possible to tap into a gearbox mounted speedo sensor, but I wouldnt know what sort of signal they output, so no idea if the signal would need multiplying or dividing. The rest is just a ground, a constant power, an 'acc' switched power, an 'on' switched power, and an illumination wire.

The loom from the control unit to the display is taped into the factory loom, but actually completely self-contained, doesn't have any extra wires running anywhere, so aslong as you mirror image the plugs, should work, see the picture for a clearer idea.

This unit will be winging it's way to enthused later on this week, will be cool to see someone get one going in a car that didn't come with it originally :).
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Post by enthuzed »

I need to study this...Zac, you're a legend!
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