hey, im just sorta asking for opinions on this one, got everything ready to go, got power to starter motor, lights etc, but not to ECU(Microtech MT8) so the starter cranks it over but no spark or injector pulse. Exterior and interior lights work, LED on the main box and handset do not. I have fuel pressure .
Only checked that all the wiring connections in the bay, nothing that i can find that is missing apart from the ones that are meant to be, the aircon is gone, so 2 extra earths were made, 1 to the block for the main one from the battery and 1 to the body for the little green plug.
Tomorrow ill check the fuses, and thursday we can go at it with a multimeter, just wondering if anyone has any ideas on what it could be?
electrical gremlins
Probably no signal from the dizzy
If you don't get a signal from the distributor, then no fuel or spark.
I'm kinda confused here... what is the problem you are having here? Is it that you have no spark or that you have no power to the Microtech? Check the main supply to the microtech and check for continuity with ground to the chassis. Once you have established a supply then you can fault find other areas.hey, im just sorta asking for opinions on this one, got everything ready to go, got power to starter motor, lights etc, but not to ECU(Microtech MT8) so the starter cranks it over but no spark or injector pulse. Exterior and interior lights work, LED on the main box and handset do not. I have fuel pressure .
yeah i probably should
found what im pretty sure was causeing the problem, when i put the bottom cover back on the eci, i crushed one of the injector wires, and since the MT8 as i found out is wired incredibly dodgy, it was causing it to blow the main fuse. What they did is wire the injectors up to the same line as the main power supply and worked by connecting to to ground when it wanted an injector pulse to make a circuit. Out of bad there comes good, pulled the injector holder out and even tho it was really tight so i didnt bother replacing the o-ring, it appears the o-ring was shagged and was leaking fuel anyway.
So if i can get this fixed, or more so that a mate who actually has a clue about electronics can get it fixed, ill rego it then we are gonna redo the whole mircotech loom, if not, i have to get EVERYTHING fixed then blueslip time eep.
Bloody dodgy pricks, there was a wire running from the battery, around the engine across the firewall through the drivers footwell, behind the stereo, next to the ecu, under the passenger side carpet, next to the back seats, into the boot wired to NOTHING, with an exposed wire sitting there. Moving shit around behind the stero, big spark, oh look, exposed wire, the fuse is gone on that one too, good thing it doesnt bloody do anything.
btw anyone got a pin out diagram for a MT8? im looking in your direction charlie.
found what im pretty sure was causeing the problem, when i put the bottom cover back on the eci, i crushed one of the injector wires, and since the MT8 as i found out is wired incredibly dodgy, it was causing it to blow the main fuse. What they did is wire the injectors up to the same line as the main power supply and worked by connecting to to ground when it wanted an injector pulse to make a circuit. Out of bad there comes good, pulled the injector holder out and even tho it was really tight so i didnt bother replacing the o-ring, it appears the o-ring was shagged and was leaking fuel anyway.
So if i can get this fixed, or more so that a mate who actually has a clue about electronics can get it fixed, ill rego it then we are gonna redo the whole mircotech loom, if not, i have to get EVERYTHING fixed then blueslip time eep.
Bloody dodgy pricks, there was a wire running from the battery, around the engine across the firewall through the drivers footwell, behind the stereo, next to the ecu, under the passenger side carpet, next to the back seats, into the boot wired to NOTHING, with an exposed wire sitting there. Moving shit around behind the stero, big spark, oh look, exposed wire, the fuse is gone on that one too, good thing it doesnt bloody do anything.
btw anyone got a pin out diagram for a MT8? im looking in your direction charlie.
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