Single wire from alternator loom

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Single wire from alternator loom

Post by arnstar »

I have accidentally pulled a wire off its connection when I was installing my factory airbox. It is the yellow single wire coming of the loom to the alternator. Any idea what this is for? :oops:
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Post by sigmaproject »

When you turn you ign. key to on does your charge light come on? If yes, when you start your engine does the charge light go out??
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Single wire from alternator loom

Post by arnstar »

Charge light does not come on when ignition switched on. Where does this wire hook up to?

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Post by TD05 »

according to the diag, there are 2 wires to the alt, a blue one and a white one, the white one goes to the batt via a fusible link, the blue one goes to the fuse box then and the to power a whole lot of stuff like the ignition switch, etc, so it appears that both wires coming from the alt are outputs, so if your batt is not getting charged you've pulled the white one out..
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Post by ProZac »

Those 2 wires would be the ones that attach to the alternator with a nut and a rubber cover... Ive noticed a yellow one that plugs into the back on all my starions, and its only been connected on one of them, i;d also like to know what this does....
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Post by merlin »

the blue wire goes to the R terminal, and provides power to the regulator, vie fuse 14.
the white wire on the diagram that goes to the battery via the fusable link is the alternator output.
some staz seem to have a charge light, others do not. connecting the third wire to the L terminal may make a charge light work, or, as in my case, prevent the alternator from charging the battery. this was because the L terminal was connected as a voltage sense in the regulator. the lamp was connected to 12 volts, so the regulator thought the battery was over charging, and shut down. my advice, just connect the blue wire to the R terminal!
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